A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.
~ Jesus Christ, Matthew 7:18, NKJV
Be a good tree today!
A good tree is a spiritual consciousness of Truth and Love.
When you are thinking on Truth and Love you are thinking on the goodness of God. You are thinking about good things, and the effect will be good things happening around you. You will be a tree that bears good fruit.
Be a good tree today! And reap a bountiful harvest of good fruit.
Ahh! A delightful positive way to start the day! Most grateful, & thank you Evan!
Thanks for bringing this teaching of Jesus to our attention.. I love it for it is the absolute remed for guilt..
We can’t have originated from two different sources..
We are sourced in God’s goodness and can produce only good..
John I like what you said about this teaching being a good remedy for guilt. We can be accountable for our behavior and humbly make amends where necessary, but we don’t need to beat ourselves up for “wrongs” and label ourselves as bad or defective if we know that in reality, “we are sourced in God’s goodness and can produce only good (good fruit).”
From yesterday’s news, it would seem that we are in Dothan. What are we seeing?
What evidence are we accepting as real? Elisha knew what was true and so can we.
Thank you for this wonderful reminder. Let us not “not stand agast at nothingness”. And thank you, Evan.
Thank you Evan for sharing this wonderful Truth with us. ❤️
“In real Science we trust” (a conversation with Jack Hubbell) By Jeffrey Hildner with contributions from Jack Hubbell:
Thank you for this article! Wonderful!
Hubbell’s article is SO helpful! I particularly love how he breaks down how he gives a treatment. Thank you.
Wow dear J, that’s a great article! It was so inspiring, that I cannot but read that long article to the end. And now it’s abt. 3 am and I can go to bed for a peaceful rest with such wonderful christian scientific truths! Thanks J for giving us lovingly Mr. Hubbel’s very inspiring article!♡
Dear Evan, thanks a lot Reminding us to bear good fruit (scientifically). My today’s nice experiences asured me I did right for which I am very grateful.
Sometimes in trying to understand the tree of bad – we mistakenly overlook the
tree of God/Good.
Mrs. Eddy writes in S & H pg # 259, in the chapter of Creation, ” The true likeness
cannot be lost in divine reflection .. Deducing one’s conclusions as to man from
imperfection instead of perfection, one can no more arrive at the true conception
or understanding of man, and make himself like it, than the sculptor can perfect
his outlines from an imperfect model, or the painter can depict the form and face
of Jesus, while holding in thought the character of Judas.” …
I understand this to mean that the tree of God’s creation is Always perfect, never
lacking, because God is never lacking. Matter is not the reflection of God, so the
tree of so-called bad disappears in the light of Spirit and we are left with such
Love and Truth about ourselves and others, that only Good is present. We reap
this harvest of Goodness when we focus on our True Perfection.
Amen to this post and all comments!
And I love the picture of the olive branch, symbolizing peace. How greatly the world needs our truthful, loving, and peaceful thoughts and prayers these days!
Thank you, Evan. I, too, love the picture of the olive branch, symbolizing goodness and fruition (and peace!). We can surely recognize this peace and love in our day-to-day relations with all who come in to our thoughts, as well as our daily “interactions” with others. All is already well!
Beautiful , thankyou Evan
Than you , Evan, and thank you “J” for sharing the article. It helped me gain a better understanding of God.
Thank you Evan and all for lovely insights. Two thoughts on trees that I have come
across and would like to share:
“A tree with strong roots can withstand the most violent storm, but the tree can’t
grow roots just as the storm appears on the horizon”. – Dalai Lama
“A seed hidden in the heart of an apple is an orchard invisible” – Welsh Proverb
With Love as our guide, we make progress as we become more and more in tune
to our Father-Mother who cares for us with such compassion and spiritual support.
Keeping our thoughts on God-like truth, provides for us a wonderful orchard of
precious fruit to harvest and share.
Tears rolled down my face, after reading all the preceding comments, since the first thought coming in to my mind was “run from the bad tree”. Picturing all the comments, down to the response space, was one of humor, and the image of “duh”, RUN from the bad tree/bad thought, from the Forest Gump image, of “run, Forest, run.|” So we do, too, Ended up laughing ’til the tears ran, too.