Become a new person

July 10, 2015 | 10 comments

Would you like to become a new person? Perhaps shed some old limited ways of thinking, find better health or discover new meaning and purpose?

There’s a way. Put on the Mind of Christ!

The Mind of Christ has an inspired perspective that takes you to new and higher places with every thought.

The Mind of Christ sees life from a spiritual point of view.

The Mind of Christ is never stuck in old patterns of thought that go nowhere.

The Mind of Christ is not helpless or lost.

The Mind of Christ is an original, inspired thinker.

The Mind of Christ is the Mind of God that is filled with fresh inspiration that unfolds the unlimited possibilities of Life.

The Mind of Christ is always working in your best interest.

As a child of God, the Mind of Christ is your Mind to claim and identify with.

The apostle Paul wrote,

“…anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”

~ 2 Corinthians, 5:17, NLT

In the Mind of Christ, you can become a new person that is happier than ever.

10 thoughts on “Become a new person”

  1. What a wonderful world this is with everyone expressing in themselves the new person, unlimited, whole and free to express the capacities born of spirit. This would surely be a blessing. Thank you for this inspired thought.

  2. There is nothing really new as expressed in the song; “Every thing old is new again.”
    How true when one loses the old material sense of things to allow the original true to be realized. Simple explanation, isn’t it? That original is really the newness that is already here.

  3. That message is so uplifting, Evan. Thank you.
    To know we all have the Mind of Christ, wherever we are, is so freeing.

  4. Thanks for this Evan! It speaks directly to my current experience.

    I am at a(nother) point of progress, and am working to trust God to carry me through. Letting go of human will, trusting God to provide me with the right words to say to express what’s in my heart, having the courage to move forward and take on more responsibility, knowing God is there giving me what I need to accomplish it. I am so grateful to CS for clearing my thought and helping me listen to God, hear and obey what God wants me to do even when it’s out of my comfort zone, knowing “progress is the law of God” as MBE says!

    Yay God!

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