Beware of advertisements for disease

April 19, 2017 | 15 comments

Have you noticed how many advertisements for disease proliferate the media? Evening news programs are some of the worst offenders with 3 to 5 promotions of disease, drugs and dreadful side effects from taking those drugs stuffed in between every news segment.

To stay healthy, it is wise to keep all images of disease out of your consciousness, for if it stays out of consciousness it cannot get into the body.

Mary Baker Eddy made an astute observation about the deleterious effect of promoting disease to the public mind. She wrote,

“The press unwittingly sends forth many sorrows and diseases among the human family. It does this by giving names to diseases and by printing long descriptions which mirror images of disease distinctly in thought. A new name for an ailment affects people like a Parisian name for a novel garment. Every one hastens to get it. A minutely described disease costs many a man his earthly days of comfort. What a price for human knowledge!” Science and Health, p. 196.

We watch the front door of our house to keep out unwanted intruders. We must do the same with the human consciousness.

If we don’t want disease in our experience, it must be kept out of our consciousness, for the human body is human consciousness. And we do this by keeping thought filled with truth and love.

Truth knows perfect God and perfect man. Truth knows inviolable health, permanent safety in divine Love, ever-present peace in Spirit. Truth creates immunity to disease and protects thought and experience from it. Truth keeps out all suggestions of sickness and maintains a state of mental and physical harmony.

When mortal mind starts promoting disease to your eyes, ears, or thought, don’t just sit there and take it. Do something. Change the conversation, punch the MUTE button, silence the error, dissolve the image, shut down all receptivity to disease. It’s not your friend.

You are never helpless in the face of disease promotion. Take the offensive with Truth and promote an agenda that produces good results. Be an advertisement for health and harmony and keep thought on a healthy path of spiritual reasoning and concluding. You’ll be much better off in the long run.

15 thoughts on “Beware of advertisements for disease”

  1. This is such an important message Evan. These disease thoughts seem to be hammering at us constantly and it’s so necessary to be on our guard and ‘stand porter’ as Mary Baker Eddy says. I do press the mute button on the tv when these ads come on but we need to be constantly alert and it’s not always easy to do. I will go out today and be more alert. Thanks somuch for tjis reminder.

  2. I have learnt a very good lesson from a friend and wish to share it with all. Whenever there is any mention of disease anywhere, either by way of Television or newspapers or even the mention of it by someone, one must vehemently mentally DENY it with ‘OH WHAT A LIE’. This will immediately arrest the picture of the disease and throw it away, never allowing it to touch your consciousness. Once you allow any detailed mention of disease or it symptoms to form pictures in your thought and give it entry in your consciousness, then in that case you are welcoming it and then once an unwelcome visitor or thief comes to your home, you know how difficult it is to drive him/her out.
    Mrs. Eddy mentions in her writings that we should so fill our thought with Truth and Love, that error has no room and no place to enter. She also mentions “No evidence before the material eyes can close my eyes to the scientific proof that God good alone is supreme”. In our Lords Prayer too we daily pray….Thy Kingdom Come….Thy Kingdom is come, Thou art ever present.. (when God fills all space, is there any room for disease or error?)
    Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
    Enable us to know, as in Heaven so on Earth, God is omnipotent, supreme (so good is all powerful and supreme and not error or disease).
    What we pray we need to understand and implement in our day to day experiences. Thought must move upwards and spirit ward
    Thanks Evan for the inspiration.

  3. Thank you so much Evan, and Nergish for your idea about how to refuse the thoughts of disease coming to us.

  4. Thank you so much for this immense important theme and message, dear Evan!

    And I tune in to Linda`s comment. I immediately punch the mute button on tv to get rid of the ads.

    But thats not all – if you work daily with your computer, you get regularly an army of spams advising you to do that and that for your health and other errors. But because sometimes important messages for me hide among spams, I have to look them through. But meanwhile I can do it so quick, that no error has a real hold on my thinking or I can get rid of them quickly.

    Therefore it is also so important, to study the lesson sermon daily, and of course prayer is our shield and defence. Todays Daily Lift says, to spend regularly enough time in communion with our Father-Mother-God – I think thats the best defence and start for our day.

    I am grateful to have learned that and for all the angels we have today helping us so lovingly 😉

  5. Details of disease and tales of ill health are very popular topics of conversation. More than once I have stopped people in their tracks from discussing such things in my presence. ‘Stop’ I tell them and often when others are with me they thank me for saving them from having to hear such war stories! Thank u Evan for bringing this to our attention.

  6. If I were watching tv and let’s say I see a cartoon of a flying elephant diving toward the ground, I don’t have to change the channel or press the mute button or do anything at all. I know there’s zero truth to the images. In fact, if I felt I needed to rush to change the channel, I had better get busy praying. It seems to me the more you do this or feel you must, the more reality and power you’re giving to what has none.

  7. Thank you for sharing your messages. I feel that this is the truth but it is so difficult swimming upstream, or even downstream when immersed in the “story”. Studying the truth will set me free…and give me the strength to break free, even though in reality it is now.
    Thank you

  8. Thanks–Evan and all other contributors–for ideas and thoughts on how to keep the ads from influencing my now aging physical/mortal body.
    I record most TV shows I want to watch and, at least, can fast forward through the commercials !

  9. This is what resonated, yet again, with me today and it keeps playing in my mind ……”the human body is human consciousness” and “the only thing we take with us from this material life is our consciousness” – thanks Evan for both these statements you have shared with us today and in the past. And thanks Grace for the article link I am heading to it right now! Jane, I love your post, and agree with you.

  10. Thank you Evan for this important message. I, like Judith, record/DVR all TV shows – even baseball games, so I can eliminate medical ads, and news updates on particular diseases. Thank you Grace for link to Nate Talbot’s article. Daily Lift today is great too.

  11. Thank you for today’s thought and all the helpful comments. I like the phrase “Take the offensive with Truth” and the comment someone gave about declaring “Oh what a lie” when one of those medical commercials come on. I do try to remember to mute the tv at those times, and will often get up and walk around a little. While I’m out this afternoon, I will pick up the May Journal and read the recommended article.

    Thanks to all. Good info!

  12. I can remember what was the big deal when I was child. I remember what was the big deal when I was a new parent. Often I talk to my daughter who is a young mother about how these scary ideas come in cycles- who is the new scary thing- and how it turned out just to be a myth. Though she does not practice CS she does listen to me and can see this is just the ‘new’ phase for her generation. Nothing to see here.
    But I do find the new one of the block hard to avoid because I am healing from this idea. I do mute. I do tell myself Not true. My husband often laughs at how the commercials start with this announcement of this amazing drug and then the side effects almost make it comical. He doesn’t practice CS but it is not hard to see the lunacy of all of this. The other day he complained about how many drug commercials there are.
    I thank God it is not true.

  13. I had this conversation with a practitioner friend a few years ago. In ads they sell you the symptoms and then sell you the cure.

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