Blessings of marriage 11

October 15, 2012 | 3 comments

Millions of couples have uttered variations of the wedding vows, “I promise to have and to hold you forever…through sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth…”
From a Christian Science point of view, I sense the spirit of these words to mean “to have and to hold” the right idea, the spiritual idea—God’s idea—of our loved one “forever.”
God’s idea is the child of Love, the individual who is wholly good, unselfish, thoughtful, kind, wise, generous, compassionate, loving and perfect—God’s image!
When we’re married, God’s image might not always be apparent in our spouse…LOL! But when we take the spirit of this demand seriously, and practice it, it’s much easier to get along with our spouse. We see more good in them than otherwise apparent to the uninspired view.
Oh yes, in the first few days, when thought and eyes are glazed over with “I’ve married the perfect mate,” we see no reason to fear our future with our loved one. But after the honeymoon is over, the wedding bells are distant memories and the practical realities of making a living, building a home, paying the bills, deciding where to live and who gets the keys to the car have to be decided, what used to feel like one mind might start to feel like two minds tugging, pulling and fighting with each other.
But this is nothing to fear. It’s a wonderful opportunity to grow in grace and spiritual understanding of true love.
And one of the first prayerful steps I take when tension builds in my home is to ask the question, “Am I seeing my wife from God’s point of view?” Because how I see Kathy has everything to do with how well we get along…
More on its way…

3 thoughts on “Blessings of marriage 11”

  1. Evan, their really is only one mind and it is very Good. I think seeing our mate as God sees them is what it is our responsibility to do. When giving serious thought to someone some time back and mentally on my knees. What I heard was “can you love him perfectly?”. That has hung as a rather big question . It’s not about rose colored glasses or the blindness of infatuation it’s exactly what you are saying, seeing them as God sees them. Knowing that correct view as in all healing thoughts will perform perfect results. Someone once told me when things got ruff they went to the article “uninterrupted continuity of Good”, nothing can interrupt the continuity of Gods goodness.—-Nothing!!!!!! We never work backwards. If a first impression is good and sweet we don’t go backwards in science that is spiritually impossible, we have to march forward. So very greatful for this one, so very grateful. No retrograde step or thought! And No Interruptions to Good!!!!!!!!

  2. Wanted to add one more thought. We don’t ever work backwards spiritually there is no backwards. I can’t say it perfectly, the important instruction given is that we retrace our steps assuring we don’t miss any important lessons and to learn from any miss steps and to assure that we won’t stumble over or fall into the same pitfalls again. I have ample practice with myself on this but see how important it would be in a relationship as well. I think it’s so important to remember that ultimatily we do the work to honor God and for our own salvation, which of course would help Any relationship . So grateful for those unarguable lessons from science, “jealousy is the grave of affection”, “to those leaning on the sustaining infinite today is big with blessings “.

  3. I love the Biography Channel to see how people accomplished the things they have accomplished. To me, it’s inspiring to see how this actor, or this business man, or this engineer accomplished so much in the face of terrific odds. The same with marriage. Instead of jealously; “My wife makes more money than I.” That attitude is the very start of divorce proceedings. A husband should feel proud of his spouses accomplishments. It’s all based on reflecting God which makes marriage successful. It’s not hard to do. Mortal Mind is what causes the rift.

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