Blessings of marriage 14

October 18, 2012 | 7 comments

God always has our best interests in view and is working a purpose out that will bless us. The more we trust God’s direction, and lean on divine wisdom and direction, the better things turn out, at least in the long run, and the sooner we find peace about those disappointed human hopes.
More than once, Kathy and I have wrestled over major decisions that portended wide-sweeping consequences for our family. Two times in particular, that I am well aware of, involved moves I wanted to make for the family that required great sacrifices on her part to support. Kathy, to her credit, supported the moves at those critical times and I will be eternally grateful to her. As time proved, many years later, the short-run sacrifices made were exponentially outweighed by the long-run blessings gained. We can see the benefit now, but at the time it was not so apparent.
Through it all, we’ve learned to talk about the big decisions, pray about them individually, talk about them some more, and act once we agree. If husband and wife are both going to God for answers and finding peace, they are going to be more demonstrative of the one Mind. And the one Mind always gets it right, even when it doesn’t look like it in the near term.
To give a balanced story here, there have been times when Kathy has had the stronger sense of what to do and I agreed to go along with her vision even though I didn’t see the reason as clearly as she. And time proved the wisdom of following what God had revealed to her.
In marriage, a husband supports his wife and the wife supports her husband. There need never be a win-lose situation. It should be win-win, and will be when both are going to God for answers and not struggling for a human position in the home, but for God’s will to be done.
Human hopes may be crushed at times, but marriage isn’t about fulfilling human dreams so much as learning to listen and follow God’s wise direction and learn how to love unselfishly, spiritually, as the angels in heaven. As husband and wife lean on God for guidance and direction, human lows will be replaced by even greater spiritual highs. Ending up in the Mind of Love is the most important outcome of any marital decision.
Almost there…

7 thoughts on “Blessings of marriage 14”

  1. Regarding your statement: “If husband and wife are both going to God for answers and finding peace, they are going to be more demonstrative of the one Mind.”

    What if your mate does not “go to God for answers” or for decision making??

  2. Attitude is very important in making a marriage work. I like Evan speak from experience. To go into marriage with the idea of making over him or her is failure from the start. I come from a bringing up in the entertainment business. Believe me, those divorces one hears about because the woman brings in more money than the male is laudercriss. Who cares, if true Love is expressed. Each should support the other in decision making, in business, in occupation and child rearing. I had two marriages that ended up in deaths. But while each wife was alive, true loving support, based on God as love was practiced to the hilt.

  3. To above asking, “What if your mate doesn’t go to God for answers?” Aw, that is your perfect opportunity to see them in a higher spiritual light.

    There is only one Mind. All of God’s children reflect the one Mind. In Truth, your mate reflects the one Mind. So, as a child of God, they are in touch with God, they do hear God’s direction, and they act on God’s direction.

    When you see them as not going to God, you are not seeing a child of God in them. That is your opportunity to see them more correctly, the way God made them.

    As a child of God, they do listen to God, they do hear God, and they do act on God’s direction. See that truth in them, and watch the blessings flow.

  4. That is so helpful to know Evan, and I am applying it to grown children! Knowing my distant sons are in touch with God’s direction (no matter how I might see it otherwise!) is at times the only thing I can focus on! And it is true, helpful and does bring blessings. Thank you!

  5. Evan, love that you say “Divine Mind always gets it right “. That in the realm of love and life it should never be a win lose only a win win. Your acknowledgment that Kathy got it right even when it didn’t seem believable to you is so encouraging . I can’t recall the movie but a line that keeps coming to me is “It’s important to get on with ones loving”. Another line comes to thought, From “Along came Polly”, something like,” since I have known you I’ve been more uncomfortable, more out of place, HUMILIATED, and physically ill than in any other time of my life and couldn’t have withstood it if I didn’t …”. Love does make strong demands no sugar tongs here. From as good as it gets, ” do you have any control over how…”, “your a pretty old guy not to be ready, and I’m too old to ignor that”.
    Holding to all things work for good to those who love God, and to ending up in the mind of love.

  6. Evan, many of us are not with spouses or mates who are also Christian Scientists. Sometimes, it seems like we are going it alone to work things out spiritually to a harmonious conclusion. Your reply to anonymous was very helpful. This is just another opportunity to see God everywhere in everyone, to love more.

  7. The movie quote about getting on with one’s loving is from “Enchanted April”, one of my favorites. Just in case anyone wondered. Enjoying the series and especially your comment about how to see your spouse who’s not a Scientist, to anonymous above. Thanks Evan.

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