Bring hope and comfort to the grocery store

June 3, 2020 | 35 comments

When my local government issued stay at home orders and local media started broadcasting reasons why people should be afraid of the coronavirus, the mental atmosphere in my community turned fearful and strained.

For instance, I went to the grocery store, and shoppers were filled with fear, hesitation, concern and anxiety like I’d never felt before in a public place. People were avoiding each other, remaining silent, on guard to coming near others, in a rush to get out, and visibly uncomfortable. The atmosphere was tense and strained, to say the least. I started to feel the same, and thought, “This isn’t right. We don’t need to be this way.”

After I left the store I prayed for peace about what to do, and resolved that the next time I went to the grocery store, I was not going to bring more fear into that environment, but peace and love that would have a positive effect and lift spirits.

I prayed to know that God’s presence was in that store providing protection and safety for everyone from the coronavirus. That God’s presence was more tangible, concrete and solid than any fear. That my neighbors all reflected the Mind of God that thought intelligently, acted wisely, and at the same time, still felt buoyancy, joy and delight that everything was working together for good.

A week later, I was headed back to the store, but this time, rather than racing in to “Get the job done,” I paused at the entrance and did a short prayer to remember that I was entering God’s presence, shopping in God’s presence, and with healthy and happy children of God all around.

My experience was a total reversal of the previous fearful event.

I brought in a smiling face and was greeted by other smiling faces. I took time to make supportive comments to other shoppers, and they responded favorably. I made friendly chit-chat with the checkout clerk, and she was happy to chat back. I left the store feeling so much better than the week before.

We don’t have to accept atmospheres of fear as fixed. They can be changed. They can be improved. They can be replaced with hope and comfort.

Bring hope and joy wherever you go this week. Others will be grateful, and you’ll be happier too.

35 thoughts on “Bring hope and comfort to the grocery store”

  1. Thanks for this Evan. As Mrs Eddy says” Love is reflected in Love”. You proved it! We are all so blessed, we just have to claim it. Thanks everyone.

  2. Yes, it IS felt. Hard to see smiles under a mask, but the words and the tone of voice, completely caring for all, make moments gentle and sweet. God, Love, is ALL-presence, ALL-power, our consciousness of complete safety and harmony.– the kingdom of heaven. There isn’t room for anything else.
    So if it’s not gong on in the kingdom of heaven, it’s not going on in the grocery store, or the streets, or in the government or in the home.

  3. I am always appreciative of the staff at my local grocery store- always helpful although at front line of exposure to any virus out there. Generally customers are happy to comply with distancing and one-way through store signage. I’m sure helped by a prayer or two.

  4. I love the thought about shopping in God’s presence! I had taken clippings from The Christian Science Monitor Weekly about grocery workers being “First Responders” to my grocery, and these are on their bulletin board in public view. I also photocopied a one-page Monitor article about this and gave a copy to many workers I know there.

  5. Isn’t this our real purpose as Christian Scientist. To aid in the support of divine love and see our fellow mankind as who they truly are as Children of God. God’s creation and not our own. Thank you, Evan for this reminder of our public purpose.

  6. It isn’t a law in my area that you must wear a mask while in public. I keep social distancing
    but do not wear a mask (praying as other comments on this blog.) I hope that this shows
    that we need not be afraid. But I’ve been told that even though it is not a law, we should
    wear a mask as a kindness to others. What are your thoughts, as a Christian Scientist?

    1. Hi Dorene,
      I wear a mask in stores to help allay fear of others who are frightened. I don’t wear a mask outside when walking though.

      1. I do the same. As the daughter of Christian Scientists, I received regular immunizations because my parents felt it was unkind to others to expose them to fear of contagion by forcing their children to attend school with an unvaccinated child. We didn’t have to believe the disease was real or the vaccine was necessary to understand that others did and to take steps to allay their fears. I wear a mask not to protect myself or others from contagion, but to protect those I encounter from the *fear* of contagion, and to telegraph my respect and compassion for them and their families. It does not serve the cause of Christian Science to give the mistaken impression that Scientists are cavalier about perceived risk or insensitive to others’ concerns, particularly when our Founder has admonished us to have “pitiful patience with their fears.”

  7. So true Evan…a very timely reminder for us to share outwardly our confidence in the Divine loving arms surrounding us all. For me it has become very important to project this also via the phone. Many friends whom I am unable to visit at present benefit from an uplifting thought and conversation . Loving sharing Loving!

  8. The transference of a loving, healing thought, powerful to offset any fearful intrusion, in any public gathering is God with us.
    I say “I can still see you smiling behind that mask! And in those eyes are a grand display of happiness.
    Looking for good in all situations is a lesson learned. Expressing lovingkindness is always satisfying.
    Thank you for today’s healing lesson. Shopping, for the time being is essential activity. What are we shopping for? At the grocery store and at all places we enter, we have an assignment, to be Christlike in all we say and do and more importantly how we think.
    “Nearer my God to Thee, nearer to Thee”.

    1. Doreen, I was once admonished, “Fear hath torment and it isn’t loving to torment someone.” In response, I said something to ease a person’s fear and was instantaneously healed of a condition. These days i put on a mask when entering a store for that reason. (I was even given a discount for wearing a mask yesterday.)

  9. Evan,
    This is a lovely post and call for action – so needed. It has been wonderful to see all the people out walking their dogs in my part of the world and waving to them. Also all the people out working on their yards. Yesterday a man was working on a mailbox/flower box. He had just finished a beautiful fence and I complimented him on it and let him know I was looking forward to seeing the mailbox/planter when it was completed. I met a realtor I had bought a property from many years ago I hadn’t seen in a while and thanked a group who stepped off the sidewalk for me before I did. The gratitude in their eyes for my simple thank you was apparent. A teenager in a passing car said “I like your dog” and I waved and thanked him. A young man also stepped off the sidewalk for me and when I thanked him, he was the most humble and gentle young man. How wonderful to get out and know your real neighbors rather than have someone else tell you who they are in the news, or a movie or from television! How wonderful to discuss topics with them on Nextdoor and sometimes to just listen to what they have to say. And, it is wonderful to read the comments on Spiritview – the different takes on the subjects that Evan presents. As one commenter put it, what a beautiful bouquet!

  10. Thank you Evan for this reminder! I think it is a kindness and Shows love for our neighbor to wear a mask. Our front – line workers appreciate the effort. Some of our stores require it and some don’t, but I always wear it.

  11. Have you ever been “in water”? I don’t mean getting caught in the rain or as a result of taking a bath/shower. I mean have you ever been up to your shoulders “in water”? If you have, you realize a lot of things change when you are “in water”. For example, you don’t worry about falling and hurting yourself when you are up to your shoulders “in water”. Why? Because the law of buoyancy provides an upward force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by your body.

    The law of buoyancy was discovered in about 250 BC by Archimedes. That’s a long time ago but what would you do if you entered a pool, waded up to your shoulders, and came upon 10 people wearing knee & elbow pads and helmets because they were afraid of falling and hurting themselves? Would you also be fearful, and perhaps more fearful, because you weren’t wearing the same protection? Or would you instead correct in your thought the idea that someone “in water” could fall and hurt themselves because you understand the law of buoyancy?

    I love this citation from Science & Health (pg 476-477):

    “Jesus beheld in Science the perfect man, who appeared to him where sinning mortal man appears to mortals. In this perfect man the Saviour saw God’s own likeness, and this correct view of man healed the sick.”

    Have you ever thought of yourself as being “in Science”? Mrs. Eddy uses the term “in Science” 70 times in S&H (the Daily Lift today shares an “In Science” S&H citation). Science with a capital ‘S’ means divine Science. Additionally, there are 34 references to “in divine Science” and 60 references to “in Christian Science” in S&H but until recently I never paid much attention to these terms. However lately I’ve started identifying more as living “in Science”. I understand the phrase “in Science” to mean “in the atmosphere of God’s laws and God’s truth”. Like Jesus, if you behold someone or something “in Science” the idea you are perceiving has to be “perfect” because the laws that result from God can only cause something that is perfect, harmonious, complete.

    “In Science, all being is eternal, spiritual, perfect, harmonious in every action.” S&H pg. 407

    Next time you step into the grocery store or some other place, realize that place is also “in Science” and therefore all of the laws of God are operating there to maintain perfect harmony. And even if nobody there is aware of those laws, you can keep your thinking aligned with those laws, just as you would if you waded into a pool with people that didn’t understand the law of buoyancy. As stated above, if you bring the correct idea to any situation, “…this correct view…” will heal the situation.

    Below are some additional citations from S&H that have the phrase “in Science” if you want to do more study yourselves:

    S&H 318:28-30
    402:8-12, 15-16

    1. Thank you Evan for this encouragement. It is to realize the Christ is there before we take a step into a grocery store or anywhere!
      And thank you to Brian for this well-studied response . Just as water supports us –even in deep water, so is the truth that we (and everyone) is IN SCIENCE. This Truth is supporting us all — everyone, everywhere..
      One more thing about water.God controls the waters! I often think with awe, how God divided the Red Sea, and the children of Israel walked across on dry ground! (Thinking about the flood of fears in the world about the pandemic. God separates all the “waters” of fear of virus — so ALL the human family in God’s creation –can walk safely on the land bridge which God is providing! ) Love is impartial and universal! God governs.

    2. Thank you for your wonderful messages. I think you should submit them as an article for the Sentinel.

    3. Brian,
      That is an excellent analogy. I guess if the world can come to the conclusion that the Earth is round because of science instead of flat due to what the material eyes (or senses tell them) see, they can come to the conclusion that they are protected as God’s creation regardless of what the material senses are reporting. Excellent ideas! Thank you!

  12. I always wear a mask when out anywhere in public as an expression of caring for others as well as conformity to regulations. I teach a virtual Sunday School class from home during our regular church time and I have heard that those attending in person (we also have a virtual church option) do not wear masks or, in some cases, observe social distancing. I am sorry about this, I have heard of at least one regular attendee in our church will not enter unless others–all but Readers and musicians–are wearing masks. To me, this wearing is a symbol of consideration and unselfishness and, of course, our prayers also accompany our response to today’s unusual situations until “all outward symbols (can) disappear.”

  13. Thank you, all, and Evan of course, for your enlightening comments this morning.

    To wear a mask or not to wear a mask…the big question right now, it seems, as more stores are opening, etc. If I do and see others who don’t, I must refuse any self-righteousness, or criticism.
    If I don’t, ditto.

    As we all are aware, we must (continually) UN-MASK “animal magnetism”—the belief in power(s) other than the One all-power, God. In witness of Truth’s doing this unmasking every moment…Being ALL…with NO ROOM for a masked-illusion-of-anything else.

    To me, this last requirement is more important than any other masking, or unmasking…

  14. Thank you, Brian, for a very helpful reply indeed. And though I may not say it very often, I’m grateful daily for your posts, Evan.

  15. Our desire to uplift and purify is Love in action, whether in the grocery store, on walks, or in communications with others. Brian, thanks for sharing your study of “in Science”. So helpful. One citation from Science and Health stood out to me, “….in Science there is no transfer of evil suggestions from one mortal to another, for there is but one Mind, and this ever-present omnipotent Mind is reflected by man and governs the entire universe.” (pg. 496 line 2)
    Aligning thought with the one perfect Mind and It’s ideas gives us authority to enter our protest against communicative beliefs! Also, love considering that one of God’s laws is the law of buoyancy. How wonderful! Thank you Evan and everyone for loving comments.

  16. As I am shopping for myself again, I appreciate your blog today and
    The many helpful comments. Hair cuts and masks don’t work as the
    Elastic prevents stylist to cut where needed. These shops just opened
    and are busy after this isolation period. Distancing still in effect. …..but
    This as well is a temporary measure. Your prayers and mine all benefit.

  17. Thank you Evan for reminding us to be thoughtful and caring or others who do not have the understanding of Gods’ Love and protection, as taught in Christian Science that blesses the world.

  18. If anyone knows, Evan knows how much work goes into being a farmer (less than 2% of the population are farmers). In my neck of the woods, the farmer’s markets are open with less hours, but these markets need out support with food locally grown. And even though masks are worn, how very happy to see our friends at the market! Some of the vendors must wait until hot food is served.
    For many years, I was known as the “market mama” helping out where I could, enjoying the vibe!

    My other favorite place to get food is the main coop in Ocean Beach; even though, the restaurant upstairs is closed for now, gratitude for our coop that it is OPEN, makes my bike ride worthwhile!! Coops and farmer’s market shoppers are a BIG part of a thriving community, where you have a voice! Everyone is becoming more patient, flexible, appreciative, and SMILING during this time!

    Being a selective shopper, I will not shop anywhere, that sells Round Up, like 95% of stores!

    Evan, thank you for allowing me to express GRATITUDE, as I am indeed happy for delicious food!

  19. This isn’t about a food store, and though it happened maybe 7 years ago, it is about the far reaching. expression of Love. Today, while I was at my garden, a woman who is Vietnamese, was asking me about people from Iran. An Iranian man wanted to befriend this woman who is a widow; therefore she is very cautious.
    I shared with her that my old car needed some work, so I made an appointment. My son followed me there, so I could leave my car there to be worked on. I made it clear that I would only have the work done that was absolutely necessary. The next day, I thought the phone call said that my car was fixed, so my son drove me there to pick it up, then my son left.
    Actually, there was plenty of work to be done. Again, I stressed that being a college student, could they please just do the most necessary work. The owner of the shop gave me the keys to his Volvo to come back the next day.
    When I returned, the owner of the shop explained to me that he fixed everything that needed fixing, but that I would only be charged for the one repair that was necessary. He asked me to come around to the back of my car and he pointed to the bumper sticker DEPARTMENT OF PEACE.
    The owner said to me: You say you are a college student, and cannot afford all the repairs. I am from Iran and the people in my country believe in Peace. You believe in Peace. We both believe in how important Peace is. Please accept these repairs in the name of Peace. Of course, I had tears of gratitude. All my bumper stickers had great stories! I no longer have that car, but it is blessing many other people now.
    So, my response to the woman at the community garden today was, Yes, I believe that this Iranian man is a good man, with a warm heart.
    How wonderful it is that we have these heartfelt experiences to broaden our sense of Love for all mankind. I am grateful it came to me to share this with you, thinking of my widow friend, Kim.

  20. I should have made it clear that the auto repair owner was an Iranian, oops, left that key part out.
    Everyone that worked in his shop was also Iranian.

  21. This wonderful, inspiring, and healing message gave me the right attitude to take to the hairdressing salon this morning which just recently opened and practicing the right safe guards as requested by our county.

  22. Thank you Evan and all others for all your comments about expressing Love to others. I was talking with my daughter and reading some of your replies to her. Her question back to me was “What would Jesus do? Would he be wearing a mask? Would he be separating himself from his followers?

  23. I love all the comments above and the thought that just came to me was “Take OFF the mask of fear and put ON the face of Love.”..and we can all look out from above a (false) mask with the eyes of Love that see NO FEAR and no dis-ease. If masks are a law in the area you live or feels right to soften other people’s fear then we can wear a mask, KNOWING that it is only fear that is being masked and sometimes that is all people can clutch onto as their safety net.

  24. W o w, so many great comments are given by you, dear commenter friends, thank you very much!.
    And dear Evan, thank you so much for your wonderful testimony. It reminded me to do likewise.
    And today, Thursday, when I went shopping, I had to wait quite a long time to get a shopping carrage, because I had to buy a lot of juices. During that waiting time I also prayed, knowing Loves presence, filling all space in the grocery, and expressed by everybody therein. So when I needed a helping hand, there was a kind man who carried me the heavy box with 8 cartons with apple juice into the shopping carrage. It was a harmonious shopping, and this time just only what I really needed, and not too much, as it occures somtimes.
    Again thanks a lot, Evan, to remind us to know God`s omnipresence and omnipotence and Love filling all room, also in my own consciousness!

  25. so true. When I went to the grocery store in the beginning I was apprehensive because I wasn’t sure what it would be like. I actually would come home feeling so heavy and unwell. It was the mental atmosphere I was sensitive to. I changed my attitude, prayed while I drove there, counted my blessings which are quite a list lately, so my experience and friendliness while shopping was wonderful.

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