You can help and heal others

February 6, 2015 | 7 comments

Sometimes people worry that they cannot heal others through prayer because they are struggling with a problem themselves that has not yet yielded to their prayer. Actually, you can help others, regardless of your status, if you can love them enough to take their fear away. Love is the healer, not you.

Mary Baker Eddy addressed this when a student asked her, “Why can I cure another’s failures and he, mine?” Eddy replied, ”Because you are afraid of what he was not afraid, and he afraid of what you were not.” We Knew Mary Baker Eddy, Volume II, p. 539.

7 thoughts on “You can help and heal others”

  1. Thank you very much. This helps to answer a question in my thought regarding Christian Science treatment – a question I hadn’t realized I had until pondering what you just shared. As a matter of fact, your blog has helped further my understanding on many occasions and I thank you for your willingness to share with us.

  2. So very true. Fear does come in the way of healing. When we pray for friends we are less fearful than when we pray for our family members. If we pray understanding the Truth that Love (God) is the healer and have no fear in our thought, the healing is very fast.

  3. From Miscellaneous Writings by Mary Baker Eddy:”It was the consummate naturalness of Truth in the mind of Jesus that made his healing easy and instantaneous.” (p.200:1)

  4. Receptive is the main word. Even though we may not be receptive to our own problems as understanding CHRISTIAN SCIENCE goes, we may be receptive to the other guy’s problem and was able to heal through our understanding of C/S.

  5. I feel that when the problem isnt “yours” you do not have that “attachment” to it, no history of how long its been or how uncomfortable etc , false though it is to see it as powerful or real for ANYone. Not surprisingly, I can feel more objective about someone else’s problem and I guess we need to be able to feel objective about our own too, otherwise we are identifying with the situation.
    So grateful for your insights and the things you bring up for consideration Evan.

  6. I remember a time, after I had “hung my shingle”, so to speak, offering my services in the phone book for Christian Science healing, I had some claim I was dealing with and wondered the very same thing….How can I heal others, when I seem to be dealing with, ‘whatever it called itself’, don’t remember what it was…anyway, the dear practitioner I was working with, said in answer to my question…..”Paul healed with boils all over his body”…..that not only answered my question but helped in healing me of the so called problem…..we can be so silly sometime. God is ALL and He is Only Good….that is the Truth now go out and try to make something bad out of good…..can’t do it!! Love to the world of God’s precious ones, caydee kittredge

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