You Are Capable of More

June 18, 2014 | 8 comments

My tennis coach was working to improve my serve. He told me to swing as hard as I could when hitting the ball above my head.

After I gave it all my might, or at least I thought so, he was unpleased and asked, “Can you do better?”

I quickly decided the only answer he would accept from me was a yes, so I replied in the affirmative and tried again. I swung harder than ever. Not much different happened.

After a few more failed attempts to please him, he pointed at a fence a long distance away, and told me to hit that fence with the ball. I thought, “Oh geez, I can never hit a ball that far.” As hard as I tried, I didn’t. My balls fell 10-20’ short.

Unconvinced I was doing my best he kept prodding me on to put more into my strikes until I hit that fence. Physically, I felt like I was doing everything I could do.

Stumbling here, and not wanting to fail, after a quick prayer, I decided that it was my mind that needed to change. God gave me unlimited power, I reminded myself. I needed to make up my mind that I could hit that fence, and then do it.

After a couple of more tries, I hit that fence. Yay! I exclaimed out loud. My coach smiled.

And the lesson was learned. I was capable of a lot more than I thought. My coach saw the potential, but I didn’t until he brought it out of me.

Are you realizing your potential? Are you swinging as hard as you can toward reaching worthy goals in your life? Do you try, fail, and then give up, or make up your mind that you can do better, and then do better until you succeed?

God has endowed us with infinite potential for accomplishing great works.

If we measure our capacities materially, we may feel we’ve reached our limit and can do no more. But with God, there is always more we can do. There are no limits in Spirit. Divine Mind, the source of our capacities, endows us with intelligence, power, ability and wisdom beyond anything we’ve even glimpsed.

In my efforts to hit the fence, I didn’t need more exercise, a different diet, another body, bigger muscles, or anything physical to succeed. I needed to change my mind. I needed to see that I could do it. The action of my body followed the path of my mind.

I’m not talking about relying upon blind human will and brute force to bring the best results. Those can be harmful and lead to heartbreak. It’s the mind’s opening to truth that awakens thought to its potential and takes mind and body to a better place. It was a truth that I could hit a better serve. My coach helped me realize that truth, and I finally got it. And my serve has been getting better ever since.

You can do more too. Accept the possibility!

“We are all capable of more than we do.” Science and Health, p. 89.

8 thoughts on “You Are Capable of More”

  1. Thank you Evan; you have just illustrated that “inner game of tennis”. It inspires me to realize that we all have the best Coach–the divine Mind governing all.
    (P.S. I love your Lift today about singing a new song. Thanks!)

  2. Congratulations, Evan !
    How wonderful it is when we get to achieve our goals but it´s even greater when we understand the process and enjoy the journey 🙂 Thanks for sharing !!!

  3. The Daily Lift was my greatest teacher of enabling to learn writing. Many times I wanted to give up but I prayed to God for further inspiration to write a good comment and succeeded. This taught me that I was capable to accomplish more in comments to the C/S websites if I don’t submit to suggestions; “I CAN’T.”

  4. Wow! Swinging for the fences physically AND metaphysically. That gives me more impetus to get to work on a lot of things that need to be resolved in a metaphysical way! THANKS.

  5. Once in junior high school, I had an English teacher who gave me a “B” on a poetry assignment. I was stunned, angry and upset. I asked her why not an “A”.
    “Because you are capable of more,” she said. To this day she is my favorite, fondly remembered teacher. Her lesson has not been forgotten.

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