Category: children

Coaching our youngsters

May 5, 2007 | No comments yet

A reader sent in the below quote by John Wooden from his book, “They call me coach.” Wooden was a renown basketball coach at UCLA with an impressive win record under his belt and has many words of wisdom to

Virginia Tech shooting

April 17, 2007 | 12 comments

A horrendous tragedy occurred at Virginia Tech yesterday, where an armed man killed 32 people in classrooms and wounded 15 others. My heart sunk with grief when I read the news. “Something has to change in the mentality of this

The proof of love

April 10, 2007 | No comments yet

“I love you, Mother,” said little John; Then, forgetting his work, his cap went on, And he was off to the garden swing, And left her the water and wood to bring.   “I love you, Mother,” said rosy Nell—

Parents, children and sports

March 30, 2007 | No comments yet

For parents who have children playing sports, here’s an inspiring piece title, “Fathers and Sons and March Madness,”that explains how one father uses his son’s participation in sports to instill spiritual values. Check it out. It’s a worthwhile read.

Autistic boy update

March 4, 2007 | No comments yet

For those of you who have been reading this blog for a few months, you’ll remember a posting in December about a teacher’s touching experience with an autistic boy in her class. If you’re wondering what happened, here’s an update: