Category: children

You are at your best when you love

February 20, 2019 | 33 comments

If you’re ever wondering how to be happier or healthier, live in Love. Love is the best possible state of existence one could ever enjoy. It is pure mental harmony, unmovable peace, buoyant inspiration, spiritual consciousness, the realm of divine

Exercise your dominion

February 11, 2019 | 18 comments

Are you demonstrating your God-given dominion over all the experiences you have on earth? You can. Christian Science explains how to do it. Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer of Christian Science, wrote, “Man, created by God, was given dominion over

Be a peacemaker, not a fighter

January 14, 2019 | 15 comments

To participate in constructive conversations with others, be a peacemaker, rather than a fighter. By a “fighter,” I’m talking about those who believe they must verbally fight, perhaps yell, and hurl lethal statements at the other to get their way.

No stuffy nose

September 26, 2018 | 46 comments

Kathy and I had our first grandchild last June. A big deal for us! Her name is Kayla Renee, and she is a dear. We were on babysitting duty for a week recently so that the parents could catch up

A gift that brought healing

December 28, 2016 | 20 comments

A reader sent me the below story a week after I posted a blog on December 21, 2016, titled, “Some of the best gifts.” As it turned out, that blog was one of the most popular I’ve posted in a