Category: Christ

At the mercy of God, not of others

August 10, 2021 | 8 comments

If you’ve ever felt at the mercy of others, you can change that. Understand yourself to be solely at the mercy of God. God is your Life. God is your source of supply. God is your health, strength, consciousness, ability,

A cure for griping

June 24, 2021 | 17 comments

Are you ever tempted to gripe? If so, there’s a cure. Instead of looking for faults in others, look for the goodness of God. The temptation to gripe grows out of an impoverished mental state that is mired in negativity,

Vinegar and oil don’t mix

February 8, 2021 | 23 comments

A patient was striving to find more peace during some serious struggles she was facing. To sort out the struggle from the peaceful spiritual reality she knew was hers to enjoy as a child of God, she came up with

Walk over the waves, not in them

January 18, 2021 | 29 comments

Waves of error seem to beset many people at times. Waves of concern about the pandemic, the future, government, and health. Waves of fear, anxiety, worry and doubt. But we do not have to drown in those waves of error.

Live fearlessly

August 21, 2020 | 40 comments

“Don’t be afraid,” (John 6:20) Jesus said to his disciples as he approached their boat during a storm at sea. Christ says the same to all humanity today. “Don’t be afraid. I am here!” Christ is with us. Christ is