Category: Christ

A call for more compassion and less brutality

June 15, 2020 | 34 comments

Evidence of police brutality has spurred thousands of protestors to fill streets and plazas around the world with shouts for reform. Some want to defund the police, others want more sensitivity training, some call for more diversity on the police

The signs of Christ’s coming

May 22, 2020 | 43 comments

What are the signs of Christ’s coming? Is it destruction, annihilation, rampant pestilence, suffering and disease of pandemic proportions over the face of the earth? Many who subscribe to “End Times,” prophecies see world calamities as possible harbingers to Christ’s

The Big Story in the world today

April 23, 2020 | 23 comments

If one were to watch the news, one might quickly conclude that the pandemic is the big story happening in the world today. But there is an even bigger story happening behind the scenes that seems to be much less