Category: Christ

Stay humble and take no offense

November 21, 2019 | 20 comments

“It is our pride that makes another’s criticism rankle, our self-will that makes another’s deed offensive, our egotism that feels hurt by another’s self-assertion.” ~ Mary Baker Eddy, Miscellaneous Writings, p. 224 Put on the Mind of Christ and stay

What about getting a physical diagnosis?

October 22, 2019 | 43 comments

Sometimes people praying for spiritual healing are tempted to believe that they need a physical diagnosis to determine “What their problem is.” While it is helpful to understand what suffering stems from, either fear, ignorance or sin, experience proves that

Think straight

October 1, 2019 | 12 comments

“One cannot think crooked and walk straight.” ~ Author Unknown To “think straight” is to know spiritual truth and to act on it. It keeps one on the “straight and narrow way,” (Matt. 7:13,14) that Jesus Christ has walked before