Category: community

Always prepared

July 5, 2008 | 5 comments

Yesterday, we stopped at the local fire station to borrow a life jacket for a river outing my family was taking that afternoon. The fire department loans out jackets to community members as a public service and promotion of safety.

Improving church services

June 25, 2007 | 24 comments

I attend church services at the Church of Christ, Scientist, which has hundreds of branches around the world, and I’ve heard it frequently complained by visitors that these services could use some more life. Now, I will be the first

People are nice

June 11, 2007 | 5 comments

I had to catch a 5:31 a.m. plane last Thursday for a business meeting in Boston. I arrived at the airport in what had always been plenty of time only to find an unusually long line waiting to pass through

Benefits of sharing Christian Science

May 30, 2007 | 4 comments

There is an exhilarating power that builds within when one shares Christian Science freely with neighbors. Last Friday, I spoke at a Seventh Day Adventist college to a comparative religions class about Christian Science. I was well received and eagerly

We all need God

May 8, 2007 | 4 comments

  In the greatest struggles of my life, I have learned a most important lesson. I can’t do this alone. ~ Unknown   The good news is, we don’t do anything alone. God is the ever-present help that gets us