Category: food

Give power to God, not to food

August 2, 2018 | 27 comments

“There is no power apart from God. Omnipotence has all-power, and to acknowledge any other power is to dishonor God.” Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 228 If tempted to eat more than you

Seeks the sweets of Truth

March 5, 2018 | 18 comments

Interestingly, every few months or so, I have a conversation with someone struggling with food and weight issues make a statement like, “I had someone tell me that food is just matter, and matter isn’t real, so I can eat

Master food

February 26, 2018 | 20 comments

If you have any food issues in your life, it can be helpful to understand that divine Mind governs your entire being and produces all the conditions necessary to keep you healthy and well, not food. Common belief teaches that