Category: identity

Comfort with being different

March 6, 2013 | 5 comments

Do you ever feel pressure to be like someone else, even though they are very different from you? Do you compromise your ideals to please others? Do you cave to pressure from peers? Do you feel like you have to

Be victor over anger; not a victim

February 28, 2013 | 2 comments

He who angers you conquers you. ~ Elizabeth Kenny Would you rather be a victim or a victor? If a victor, then don’t let another’s actions fill you with anger. Pride, ego, and self-righteousness are the enemies to fend off

What constitutes success?

February 22, 2013 | 2 comments

A friend was lamenting failed career expectations. Over a few decades of work and career, he wasn’t where he thought he should be. His friends from college were making bigger wages than he was. He didn’t have much money in

Do you know your worth?

February 5, 2013 | 7 comments

Has anyone tried to talk you down, make you feel less of a person, or worked to make you feel small? It’s important that you know your worth so you don’t sell yourself short. Here’s a case in point: A

You are more than you think

October 31, 2012 | 5 comments

Have you ever felt inadequate? Have you ever felt lacking in skills, talents or abilities? Do you ever feel like a 70% person instead of a 100% being? You don’t need to anymore! God made you complete, fully endowed with all