Category: inspiration

Spread kindness abundantly

December 6, 2022 | 16 comments

Here’s a little saying that pops up on t-shirts, posters, mugs, and a myriad of other places. Sprinkle kindness like confetti. What a great idea! Spread it around abundantly and prolifically. The world could use more kindness.

A right point of view

November 29, 2022 | 27 comments

Matter and its conditions are mortal mind’s point of view. Spirit and its conditions are divine Mind’s point of view. Which point of view are you entertaining today?

The one Influencer

November 28, 2022 | 24 comments

There is a lot of influencing going on in the world today. Government leaders work overtime to influence the thought of their citizens. Social media is rife with influencers hired to sway public opinion about products and causes. Some types

Feeling and living at your best

November 25, 2022 | 14 comments

Live right, speak right, act right, feel right. It all works together as one! Thought in harmony with God, is in its right place. The life it lives, flows; the words it inspires, bless; the actions it impels, reaps good

Benefit from appreciating others

November 23, 2022 | 27 comments

Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well. ~ Voltaire For instance, when you see another give unselfishly, and appreciate their generous giving, you’ve accepted their acts as worthy and commendable,