Category: inspiration

The impact of impressions

April 13, 2010 | 1 comment

I like the below quote. I can think back over the decades to teachers, speakers, and lecturers that made substantial impressions on me. I can’t often remember specifically what they said, but I remember how they made me feel.   People

What kind of leader are you?

March 25, 2010 | 1 comment

The goal of many leaders is to get people to think more highly of the leader. The goal of a great leader is to help people to think more highly of themselves. ~ J. Carla Nortcutt Most of us carry

Clearing up confusion

March 11, 2010 | 3 comments

This quote fascinated me when I first read it… You know what confusion means? It means you have seen the answer and you don’t like it! ~ Alan Cohen Confusion happens when one is pulled between two competing options. Which

Who do you compare to?

February 26, 2010 | 5 comments

I like the below quote because it reminds us that we don’t have to compete with others for stature, recognition or triumph. We are all the children of God, equally bestowed with value and worth. We do not look better