Category: Jesus Christ

The promise of resurrection

April 19, 2019 | 31 comments

One of the lessons that I cherish most from thinking over the meaning of Easter, is the promise of resurrection. Jesus Christ had his resurrection from being crucified, leaving a legacy that has blessed humanity for all time to come.

Learn to be invincible

April 16, 2019 | 29 comments

The fearless thought is invincible. Jesus Christ was fearless, which empowered him to always come out on top of adversity even when assaulted by the worst of enemies. His fearlessness made him invincible.

Defend your innocence

March 7, 2019 | 26 comments

Have you ever felt guilty when you were not guilty? It’s a tricky way mortal mind works sometimes, to twist around the facts to make an innocent person feel guilty when they haven’t doing anything wrong. It’s like the abuser

To beard a lion in his den

March 1, 2019 | 31 comments

Have you ever read the words, “Beard the lion in his den,” and wondered what it meant? I did after reading Mary Baker Eddy’s use of the phrase in “Seedtime and Harvest.” Here’s what she wrote: “Jesus taught us to

Everything works together for good

December 26, 2018 | 24 comments

It’s a law of God that everything, absolutely everything, works together for good. With a surface evaluation, this statement seems impossible. Too many horrible things happen in the world to claim that everything works together for good. Murders, wars, famines,