Category: Mind

Who knows the future?

January 26, 2012 | 3 comments

I chuckled when I read the below predictions and observations by experts in their respective fields.  Anyone trying to divine the future from current evidence of the senses is liable to miss the mark enormously. With divine Mind, all things

The infinite resources of God

January 25, 2012 | 7 comments

People sometimes have difficulty understanding how the infinite resources of divine Love pay bills and meet human needs. Christian Science explains that we live in a universe of Mind where things are thoughts and ideas are substance. The human mind

The best exercise program

January 6, 2012 | 6 comments

I’ve often had students of Christian Science who love to run, swim, workout or participate in vigorous sports, express guilt about their routines in light of the reality that in absolute Truth, man is a spiritual being expressing a spiritual

It’s natural to think spiritually

December 7, 2011 | 2 comments

Do you realize that it is natural for you to think in a spiritual way?  Yep, it is.  That’s the way God made you,–to be spiritually minded. Some people are tempted to think to the contrary, that it’s natural to

Children getting along with each other

October 17, 2011 | 6 comments

Raising children is a ripe opportunity to demonstrate the oneness of Mind. When siblings fight, argue and debate endlessly, they are not manifesting their God-given nature to be cooperative, helpful, generous, unselfish and kind toward one another.  It is not