Category: patience

Are You Open to Improvement?

October 21, 2014 | 8 comments

“People who accept discipline are on the pathway to life, but those who ignore correction will go astray.”~ Proverbs 10:17, NLT “If a friend informs us of a fault, do we listen patiently to the rebuke and credit what is

Patience and Perseverance Pay Off

October 2, 2014 | 4 comments

“When troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you

Enjoy Where You Are

August 4, 2014 | 20 comments

My wife and I were hiking up Mount Constitution on Orcas Island in the Puget Sound last month, and I learned an important lesson about enjoying the moment you are in, rather than hurrying up to get somewhere. We had

Driving Through Horrid Traffic

May 30, 2014 | 5 comments

Here’s a brief video that at first sends a shiver of horror up your spine, then relief, then rejoicing that it is possible for many people to coordinate with one another in tough conditions and come out safe. I don’t