Category: progress

How to measure progress

May 19, 2011 | 6 comments

It struck me while playing tennis a few weeks ago that there is a helpful way and unhelpful way to measure progress. If progress is seen as a specific material state, efforts to get there can be very discouraging. For

Back from UK

March 17, 2011 | 3 comments

  I made it home! What a great trip. England has lots of clouds! When the sun did find openings in the sky to shine through to earth we happily soaked in its warmth. I finished five lectures, starting in

Lecturing in the UK

March 12, 2011 | 7 comments

I flew over to the UK last Tuesday for a week of lecturing in the Liverpool region of England. Kathy, my wife, came along with me, and we are having a grand time. Thursday night I lectured for 3rd Church,

The Libyans’ fight for freedom

March 8, 2011 | 2 comments

Who do you expect to win in Libya? I asked myself recently. I sympathize with the rebels who are fighting for increased human rights and freedoms. I do not have firsthand experience living in Libya, but from what I read

Despot of material sense

February 25, 2011 | 6 comments

I’ve been watching events in Libya and the Middle East with great interest. It is inspiring that millions of people throughout several countries and under many different governments can decide nearly all at once that its time to fearlessly stand