Category: progress

St. Moritz

August 20, 2008 | No comments yet

We drove through the town of Maurice, Switzerland, today, and heard a most interesting story of why the town was named Maurice, plus hundreds of churches, and even two countries, including Mauritania, after the namesake of Moritz. Moritz was much

Encouraging our children

May 29, 2008 | 3 comments

Several months ago, we received a flyer from Discovery Bound announcing a major event for teens they were organizing for Memorial Weekend in New York City. It was a program designed to get students interested in Christian Science together for

Remove the leading error

April 23, 2008 | 2 comments

A friend shared a graphic analogy with me yesterday that has given me much to think about. He had been feeling great frustration and grief over seeing many problems in his life that needed to be healed. The number of

Retirement revised

February 7, 2008 | 1 comment

I read an article titled, “No time to retire,” in the Washington Post National Weekly last week that stated, “Millions of boomers are headed not for endless vacation but for a new stage of work, driven both by the desire

The potato cannon

February 3, 2008 | 2 comments

My 14 year old son is taking a science course this year that requires each student to complete a major science project each quarter. Tyler, my son, has been fascinated with things that explode, make loud noises and go ka-boom!