Category: Safety

The eagle eye

August 24, 2008 | 1 comment

While traveling through Switzerland, I have been impressed with how much time and resources that have gone into protecting the land from invading enemies over the centuries. There are castles everywhere! Yesterday, we stopped at a viewpoint while going over

Jumping to the wrong conclusion

August 21, 2008 | 1 comment

Have you ever made a wrong snap decision about someone, and then treated them in a hurtful way that you later regretted? I heard a sobering story today that illustrates the evils of jumping to the wrong conclusion. In centuries

Conquering fear of heights

August 19, 2008 | 6 comments

Do heights ever make you uncomfortable? They do me, at times. I’ve never been fond of looking over the edge of a super deep canyon, or riding in a gondola car that takes one to atmospheric heights. I’ll do it,

What castle do you live in?

August 18, 2008 | 2 comments

Today our bus stopped in front of the Chillon Castle, just outside of Montreaux, Switzerland. When I looked over the precipice to see the bottom of the massive structure and I saw water all the way around the base, I

Off to Switzerland

August 15, 2008 | 2 comments

“Why Switzerland?” a number of our friends asked us when we told them we were travelling there this month. My wife told them, “I’ve always wanted to see the Alps.” And I told them, “My wife has always wanted to