Category: Safety

Wingsuits of Mind

March 5, 2008 | 4 comments

I admire people who break the limits of matter-based thinking, exceed conventional expectations and demonstrate the limitless possibilities of Mind. A reader sent me this link to a short video of a brave and fearless man named Espin flying in

Shooting in Illinois

February 15, 2008 | 7 comments

Oh, dismay, dismay…another horrible mass shooting yesterday, this time at Northern Illinois University, leaving 6 dead, and many more wounded. When will the mindless killing stop? When conversing about the tragedy with my wife this morning, she observed, “What an

Our angel

December 31, 2007 | 10 comments

Unbelievable!! Is the best word I can think of to tell this story! I’m in the Blue Mountains with my family for Christmas break. I stay active with my practice, but break occasionally to be out and about with family

Sinking at sea

November 6, 2007 | 3 comments

I was told today about a 90 year old woman who was swimming in the ocean recently. She is evidently admired by many friends as a person of great faith in God’s ability to help at anytime. While swimming, a

Keep clear of death beliefs

September 8, 2007 | 24 comments

While hiking near Yellowstone last month, a guide told my group that forest rangers were quick to clear campgrounds and hiking trails of dead animals. And periodically, campgrounds and trails that had a dead carcass would be closed for the