I celebrate Christmas with my soul, my spiritual sense, and so commemorate the entrance into human understanding of the Christ conceived of Spirit, of God and not of a woman — as the birth of Truth, the dawn of divine Love breaking upon the gloom of matter and evil with the glory of infinite being.
~ Mary Baker Eddy, Miscellany, p. 262
Christmas is not brought home from a shopping center. It is found in spiritual sense, in quiet, peaceful communion with the one Mind. It’s a spiritual experience.
Thank you Evan for this beautiful message, bringing out the true meaning of Christmas. May you and all the SpiritView family have a blessed Christmas and New Year.
I have always loved Mrs. Eddy’s sense of celebrating Christmas in quietude. For several years I served as a chaplain at a large Air force Training base.. we enjoyed bringing the young men and women to our home at Christmas time..all they wanted for Christmas was the feeling of peace and quit our home provided..
God is there when the senses are silent..
Thank you John
Thank you! Such a beautiful message!
With gratitude and love,
AMEN. Thanks for the message. Blessings on you and yours and your followers.
“Christmas is not brought home from a shopping center” Well said, Evan. We all go to the shopping centre to get the things we need to make the week”Christmassy” but really , I have heard so many people say that they are glad when it is over with. So this tells me their Christmas is not the real deal. I fall into this category of people too…running around madly preparing for interstate visitors, buying presents for the smaller children in our families, preparing a big Christmas dinner, putting decorations and fairy lights out…all the exact opposite of what we are celebrating and remembering/ honouring. Christmas has become a mindless busy-ness! I guess recognising the problem exists is a start ..but then to know how to bring in more of the divine nature to the day, week, month, year!? One thing I always remind my self of is Jesus saying to his disciples
I was told by a practitioner BUSY is Being Under Satan’s Yoke. We need to study and commune with God daily, hourly.
continuing on…. I hit POST too early accidentally !
Jesus said “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
(John 14:27) And I read that to mean that he left that peace with us all..for all time…in all places. And now. I like to focus on that at times like these when there is so much lack of peace in the world… we can hang onto that peace Jesus gave to us all.
“ Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift!” The gift of spiritual healing, the light,that shinies in the darkness leading us to a new day. This message of Divine Love is here to lift us out of every ill , every seemingly hopeless situation and set us on the rock of Truth! Follow that light of Truth and Love until you arrive , like the wisemen, at the holy manger of Christ- God’s everptesent Love!
Thank you CB for your thoughts about following the light. It resonated with me and I’ll add it to my thoughts as I open my thinking to the Christmas message for myself and everyone.
Thanks Evan. I love to spend Christmas Eve in silence and gratitude for the true meaning of Christmas. Blessings to all
“Seek silence as much as you can on your spiritual path, because it nourishes us in a very special manner, especially in this society where our mental space is constantly and aggressively invaded by so many forms of useless “noise” and commercial sales pitches (that I call “mental hammering”). Authentic silence already reigns deep down inside us, and only the aggressive invasion of our mental space by this insane environment of modern life prevents us from being aware of this.” Pierre Pradervand
Excellent and grateful for the thoughts aligned with mine.
Beautiful and profound truth .thank you Evan!
Thank you Evan, and all of you who responded to this SpiritView. I am in the process of moving out of my house and this Truth has been so healing to me today. I am very grateful for all your Truth sharing.
I appreciate all the responses today. I think Christmas Eve deserves a read of Mrs. Eddy Book, “Christ and Christmas”. This weeks Christian Science Bible lesson is a wonderful read to really take in the true meaning of Christmas. May all have a very blessed Christmas.
Thanks for this important reminder.
“What is Christmas?” by Elizabeth S. Kennelly, from the December 22, 1956 issue of The Christian Science Sentinel:
Thank you, J for sharing that wonderful article
This lovely and loving message and graphic reminds me of Mrs. Eddy’s hymn #24,
“Thou gentle beam of living Love”.. The hymn entitled Christmas Morn, for those
unfamiliar with it goes,
“Blest Christmas morn, though murky clouds Pursue thy way,
Thy light was born where storm enshrouds Nor dawn nor day!
Dear Christ, forever here and near, No cradle song, No natal hour
and mother’s tear, To thee belong.
Thou God idea, Life encrowned, The Bethlehem babe-
Beloved, replete, by flesh embound – Was but thy shade!
Thou gentle beam of living Love, and deathless Life!
Truth infinite, – so far above All mortal strife,
Or cruel creed, or earthborn taint: Fill us today
With all thou art – be thou our saint, Our stay, alway.”
The quietude and peacefulness of this divine hymn is such a comforting way …
of spiritual sense’s way of expressing Christmas in it’s true meaning.
Carol, you mention the lovely message and graphic. I love the message, but
all I have as the graphic is a depressing black square, Is that what you have?
Oh – I just have discovered that my screen wasn’t open wide enough
to see the light on the right. Phew! that is better – the light shining in
the darkness.
Maggie-that was beautiful—let us all open our screens wider to let in the Christ light! Christmas blessings to all.
LOL, Yes, Maggie, there is more than just a depressing black square. : )
A delightful heavenly light is shining in the darkness and lighting what would appear
to be a manger – Christ Spirit that is being illuminated.
Thank you jane for finding inspiration from my narrow screen – that was good.
And Carol – yes certainly LOL (if that means lots of laughs!) because I don’t
seem to be doing too well this evening.!! I misplaced something I needed, and
took an electric bright light to search for it, and eventually asking God to
show me, discovered it. And then what? – I then misplaced the light that I
was using to find the lost article1!!! Jane can probably find some inspiration
from that also. What comes to me is that the true light cannot be put out –
like that star shining in the graphic, it is beyond human comprehension,
so that is the light we needed to find anything that seems to be lost. .
I’m sure whatever is lost, will be found, dear Maggie. You Could see LOL as being
Lots of Light or God’s Light in finding the search light you seem to be missing.
When you saw the light (God’s helping you find the original missing item), you
relied on what was there but Seemed to be missing and your so-called missing
light is with you, too.
Yes, I did find it, thank you Carol. I love LOL standing for Lots of Light.
Or Lots of Love xx
Yes! Love that, Too, Linda! : ) And glad
you found it … Maggie
Thank you all for your comments and insights, and especially Evan, for his instructive and healing blogs. May we all , with humble hearts, bear witness to this Christmas promise:
“Where meekness will receive him, still/The dear Christ enters in. “ (hymn 222) Amen. Christmas blessings to you all.
Thank you Evan!
Thank you very much, dear Evan for that inspiring passage by MBE from Mis.
I got a glimps of the Christlight dawning tonight. When I looked out of my window into the dark, I raised my head up to heaven and saw many sparkling stars shining through the leaveless oaktree. It looked like the light Stars hanging in the tree, so it looked a bit like a christmastree. But the spiritual sense lets me feel that’s a sign of the holy night showing me that Christ is present; and gladly we know, Christ, divine Truth is everpresent. I thank God for this joyous glimps of Christlight!♡
Dear SpiritView friends, thank you very much for your inspiring comments and Carol for the wonderful hymn 24 by MBE; it let’s me feel the holy meaning of Christmas! ❤️
Thank you Evan for sharing your inspiration on SpiritView and J for that CSS article which referenced MBE on Christmas on p.262 of My:
” I love to observe Christmas in quietude, humility, benevolence, charity, good will towards man, eloquent silence, prayer and praise…”.
That is the true feeling of Christmas.
BTW, I found a great lecture Evan M gave in NYC at 3rd church in 2015 on YouTube. It is called Christmas in July. And they will be hosting another talk this December 24th at 4:30pm PST live online music starts at 4:15pm. I found the link and info on PrayerThatHeals.org. A replay will also be available after.
A Very Happy Christmas and Happy Holi Days to all & LOL!