Cherish goodwill toward others

February 10, 2025 | 21 comments

If you’d like to see quicker results from your prayers, it might pay to check your emotional passions.  Are any of them getting in the way of feeling the Love of God that brings mental and physical healing?

For instance, are you mad at your spouse, holding ill-will toward a co-worker, clinging to resentment and unwilling to forgive?  These are all negative states of mortal mind that build a case for evil and deny the omnipresence of God’s love and care for you.  

It’s hard to feel good when you’re cherishing evil.

Mary Baker Eddy writes, “If so-called mind is cherishing evil passions and malicious purposes, it is not a healer, but it engenders disease and death” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 401).  Cherishing evil passions is not a healthy place for thought to be.  It’s much better to conquer those passions and forgive and love instead.

Cherish goodwill toward others, not evil.  Put on the Mind of Christ that is dominated by Love.  Healing of all kinds happens much faster that way.

21 thoughts on “Cherish goodwill toward others”

  1. Hello Evan,
    Thank you very much for this extremely helpful reminder, especially as it comes at just the right time as I’ve got to solve some problems at work.

    1. Thank you, Maggie. This is a very inspiring article that goes to the heart of what sometimes seems hidden error, such as hate, indifference, aloofness, as well as the hidden solution divine Love.

  2. The article Maggie suggested was helpful in that ii brings out the power of divine Love..If loving in a difficult situation were difficult for me (like loving a perceived enemy) then reflecting divine Love would make the process easier..
    We don’t originate Love we reflect the source..and it is infinite and all powerful..

    1. Thank you John for the wise reminder that we are not the originators or creators of this Love and good will that Evan is talking about in today’s message. I often get caught in the false belief, the trap, of feeling like I (as something separate from God) am the doer – of many things that seem to need doing. The peace returns when I remember I am not the doer, but just observing and bearing witness to God’s great doing. As you said, “we reflect the Source, infinite and all-powerful”, (and I will add, All-Good).

  3. I SO needed this!
    I have felt a terrible burden, which I have realized is the result of severe judgment- harboring, resentment, fear, anger, remorse, and regret, (as well as more than a little critical condemnation.) Oh my!! I really needed to clean house, and today’s SpiritView has given me such wonderful “brooms“ with which to sweep my thought clean! Thank you, Maggie for that beautiful article. “Love is the Liberator.” And thank you, John, for your added comment which has helped me so much: we don’t originate Love; we reflect the infinite, powerful Source!
    Thank you, Evan, and my beloved SpiritView family.
    Of course, my thanks, begin, and end with God

  4. “Spiritual perception and a coworker” By Kaye Cover, From the October 2021 issue of The Christian Science Journal:

    Thank you Evan for this topic, and thank you Maggie for a very insightful article. The constant challenge is not to get drawn into some human drama, which takes the focus off of God, as Evan mentions. At times, it may not seem easy to do…but it’s definitely more calming, uncomplicated, and beneficial just to love.

    1. Thanks J for continuing to give us articles to support our understanding of the day’s topic. I agree that staying out of the daily dramas is key. Error has a sneaky way of trying to draw us in, trying to lure us away from seeing and feeling the goodness of God that is going on all the time, just underneath the surface of what seems to be going on. But… we can pray for God to help keep our thought in right channels.

      Evan thank you for, “It’s hard to feel good when you’re cherishing evil.” Seems obvious, but so-called human will, self-righteousness, human outlining kick in and off we go nursing and rehearing our perceived grievances. The antidote, as you said, is to “put on the Mind of Christ that is dominated by Love.”

    2. This article brought up the point that when we try to love a personality that seems partially good and partially bad, we may feel guilty and self condemning when we can’t feel love. When I was feeling this way, the thought came to think about the moon and its phases as the human personality vs. the reality of God’s image. The lighted part of the moon represents the good thoughts, which, like the sun lighting the moon, do not originate in the person but in God. (Every good gift is from above coming down from the Father of lights). But the full moon is there and present, just partly in shadow. Just as the shadow gives the illusion that the full moon is not there, the bad thoughts give the illusion that God is not in full control. So I saw a little better that God’s qualities are in full control of the situation, guilt, anger, dishonesty, etc do not.

  5. I love this SpiritView! Thank you dear Evan and all. Feeling the Love of God
    is one of the most beautiful of feelings. This Love can be expressed in so
    many wonderful ways. It brings to Mind .. Soul and Spirit to Life and
    enlightens with Principle the Truth of our being … all attributes Mrs. Eddy,
    our dear leader, gives to God – and this harmonious ever presence which
    is God – itself – expressing these innate spiritual qualities through us. What
    a glorious feeling to feel the warmth and caring of this divine Love. It melts
    away everything that seems wrong with the world and brings us to a place
    of compassion, kindness, understanding, yes, Love … in a light of awakening
    to all of the good that is around us. It is like the smile of heaven touching
    our soul and sharing this feeling is like walking with Love. Beautiful!

  6. Thank you, Evan. I was just thinking about this topic last night. How true beauty is spiritual. When we align with the expression of spirit, we demonstrate a radiance of God’s expression to others.

  7. Sometimes it seems we are our worst critics and can seem to love others,
    but have more difficulty in loving ourselves, as well. Unattainable mortal
    images are constantly being projected in the media of material, mortal
    descriptions and visions of how we should be, in order to be loved or
    lovely. For example, if we buy this product, we will be like the person doing
    the advertising. We need to “cherish good will’ towards ourselves, also,
    In seeing ourselves as perfect reflections of spiritual/Godlike representatives,
    rather than a fallible human mortal, we can, as Evan, writes, “put on the Mind
    of Christ that is dominated by Love”.

    1. Thank you very much, dear Angel for your wonderful comment. I love that you say, to cherish Goodwill to ourselves, too, in seeing ourselves as perfect reflections of God’s/divine Spirit’s representative! Wow thst’s brillant! ❤️

  8. “Put on the Mind of Christ that is dominated by Love.
    Healing of all kinds happens much faster that way.”
    Wonderful advice, I love that, dear Evan. Thank you very much! I do need your today’s spiritual views a lot and am very grateful for them!
    When my sister was born I was 12 years old and I was very happy to have a sister. But decades later I didn’t have anymore needed good thoughts about her for some reasons, and the same about a friend. However I did pray here and there about those situations.
    Now I am utmost happy and thankful for Evan’s very healing SpiritViews about Forgiveness and today’s “Cherish Goodwill towards others” etc. Wow, is this a blessing and healing and comforting Blog!♡
    And thanks to all you SpiritView Friends for your inspiring and helpful, so loving comments.
    With lots of Love to all! ❤️

  9. Thank you for the beautiful article this has shown me to love our enemies and to for give those who have wronged you. My sister and I have had a fallout. I know that she is a child of God and she has steered away from Christian Science . I must forgive her and Love her.
    I was taught that in Christian Science Sunday school.
    Thank you again.

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