Choose to love

April 23, 2024 | 24 comments


Anger is a choice.  Choose to love instead.  The effect is much better.

24 thoughts on “Choose to love”

    1. Yes Mathew 21:12 and 13. But then verse 14 14 “The blind and the lame came to him at the temple, and he healed them.” No one can can heal in anger. And we assume that he was angrt. The bible does not say so.

    2. That is a good question, PW, and I have been thinking about that, and remembered what
      Mrs. Eddy wrote about it in Miscellaneous Writings;pg 224. This is from an aricle called
      Taking Offence. The last six words refer to what she has said before them. The whole
      article is really good and helpful.

      “We should remember that the world is wide; that there are a thousand million different human wills, opinions, ambitions, tastes, and loves; that each person has a different history, constitution, culture, character, from all the rest; that human life is the work, the play, the ceaseless action and reaction upon each other of these different atoms. Then, we should go forth into life with the smallest expectations, but with the largest patience; with a keen relish for and appreciation of everything beautiful, great, and good, but with a temper so genial that the friction of the world shall not wear upon our sensibilities; with an equanimity so settled that no passing breath nor accidental disturbance shall agitate or ruffle it; with a charity broad enough to cover the whole world’s evil, and sweet enough to neutralize what is bitter in it, — determined not to be offended when no wrong is meant, nor even when it is, unless the offense be against God.

    3. Jesus was first and foremost always about his fathers business. He was also, the ultimate multi-tasker. He was clearly on a mission from God. This makes me think of parenting. How many times in the course of a day, does a mom or dad have to correct the inappropriate actions of one child, while comforting another? Jesus was showing us how to do both.
      Was Jesus angry or just about his fathers business?

  1. I had a sweet experience melting down anger…. Driving onto a freeway a car cut me off and then started honking at other cars while making unpleasant hand jesters.
    The car windows were frosted but it looked like a man with a big hat or turban.
    We both took the same exit off the freeway into a shopping center..I walked over to the car and to my surprise out stepped a women with a big Sunday church hat.
    I asked her why she was so angry.. “I’m not angry she replied” in a sarcastic voice. Then I asked if she had just come from church..With that question the whole scene changed.. We ended up hugging each other and talking about God’s love.. it was very touching to both of us as we connected with kindness and care rather than frustration and judgement..

    1. Wow, that was very loving and I might add, courageous, of you to follow through with that woman. What a lovely result. Thanks for sharing. And thank you, Evan.

  2. So ‘fitting’ the term C4 as a “mental explosive”
    Stands for
    1. Comparison
    2. Criticism
    3. Condemnation
    4. Complaint
    Obviously where Not to go in thought!
    Appears briefly in a JSHOnline article in 2010.

    1. Good morning all. Patty I love this C4 mental explosive recipe for what to uncover and cast out of thought, whether towards ourselves, other people, nations, anything anyone. Evan says anger is a choice, it often does not appear so, but feels like something that comes over us suddenly, like an outside force (called error, evil, mortal mind). But I think through our study and prayer we can catch it much quicker and extinguish it before it can do harm. Ultimately, we can see that destructive anger is unreal and no part of the person God created. Lots of Love.

  3. Eu acho que Jesus não ficou irado senão que os alertou com a firmeza e Autoridade do Cristo e a certeza do poder de Deus da irrealidade do mal e os beneficios e a certeza das coisas que se esperam do Bem, que nunca falham.

  4. Thank you Martine for the link. I had not been aware of the C4 “mental explosive” you mentioned. I copied the C4 from the article -( they are comparing— criticizing, complaining, and condemning.) and after reading the C4- I was shocked and made aware of things that need correcting in my thought as well. Thank you Evan for the reminder we do have a choice to make to subdue anger and Love one another or be captured by the C4. and be tangled by unloving thoughts. I have learned much today.
    Blessings to all.
    Suzie H

  5. Such a simple statement, but yet so profound! Thank you, Evan for this springboard to
    such lovely comments and article. There is a saying about never knowing what someone
    else is going through, so always be kind. Love is reflected in Love, so even the smallest
    gesture of love, like in the wonderful article, Thank you, Martine! – about being kind to even
    a spider, helps a world that is craving love.
    And as Leo Buscaglia so rightly stated,
    “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear,
    an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to
    turn a life around”. How True!

  6. Thank you Evan. Thank you Marine. .Thank you all. This is really uplifting. . We only need to love all of God’s creation.

  7. Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is within you [us]” and Mrs. Eddy wrote
    on page#3 of Pulpit and Press,
    “Know, then, that you possess sovereign power to think and act rightly, and
    that nothing can disposses you of this heritage and trespass on Love. If
    you maintain this position, who or what can cause you to sin or suffer? Our
    surety is in our confidence that we are indeed dwellers in Truth and Love,
    man’s eternal mansion. Such a heavenly assurance ends all warfare and
    bids tumult seas, for the good fight we have waged is over, and divine Love
    gives us the true sense of victory”… In all of these wars that Seem to be….
    with conflicting “opinions” of a lot of seeming angry folks – with a lot of little
    minds these days, over so many things that would justify anger, in their or
    our “minds”, we need to remind ourselves that God is the One Mind and that
    Mind is Peace, Love, not hatred.

  8. Did I read this saying here? I don’t recall, but I like it:

    Anger is gift we give to ourselves for someone else’s mistake.

    Look forward to reading about C4.

    1. I don’t think so. When someone else makes a mistake, they need our help to learn how to do better. Anger has a tendency to beat people down. Love and understanding lifts them up.

      1. Thank you Evan, for your today’s SpiritView and for this truth to what L says!
        The pain and the motto of a Christian Scientist must always be to love, love, love! Truth an Love are the Healers!♡

        Thank you all for your lively comments and Martine for the link to that lovely article!

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