Claim What You Have

May 19, 2014 | 10 comments

Too many people focus on what they don’t have.

“I don’t have enough money! I don’t have enough friends. My apartment is too small. My job is boring. My health is languishing. I’m overweight.” And the litany of complaints goes on…

But there’s a happier way to live.

Focus on what you have.

As an heir of God, you have the infinite resources of divine Mind to enjoy, and they include the ability to think intelligently, make wise decisions, demonstrate worth and value, live love and be love, and find happiness independent of any material condition.

As a child of God, you are a spiritual being with a spiritual life to enjoy.

If you sum your being up in material terms, you feel lack. Even if you have lots of material things and money you’ll still feel lack, like there’s never enough. Mortality is an impoverished way of thinking. But it’s not necessary to live this way. There’s a better way. Claim your spiritual heritage and live true to it.

Wealth is spiritual. Home is a consciousness of Love. Friends are the result of living unselfishly. Health is a state of Mind. Fitness is spiritual mindedness. You don’t need more money or some changed material condition before you can have the best God has to offer. When understood and accepted, they improve the human condition and bring it more into line with the divine.

So, don’t focus on what you don’t have materially. Focus on what you have spiritually. And you’ll discover that you don’t lack anything at all. You have everything!

10 thoughts on “Claim What You Have”

  1. Yes! Yes! Yes! “All that I have is thine” said the father to the prodigal son’s brother in the parable of Jesus. . Think of it: ALL THAT GOD HAS IS OURS! That’s right from Jesus’ instruction manual (The Bible) to us. And claiming acknowledging, and being grateful for this truth opens wide the doors! Thank you, Evan, for the reminder.

  2. Thank you Evan, for reminding us that our source of all good comes from God! More than this, we do not need. The lesson to be learned is the difference between “want” and “need”!!

  3. Beautifully said, Evan. The poet, whose name I forget said, “its not what we get, but what we give… who gives himself with his alms feeds three, himself, his hungering neighbor and me (the Christ).” Hope I’ve got that right. Your phrase “Friends are the result of living unselfishly” brought that poem to mind. . It seems to me that Christ Jesus’ only need was to express the love he was reflecting from His Father.
    Many thanks for these inspiring, practical thoughts you share daily.

  4. I so appreciate your expressions of Spirit. They are simple, clear and
    always to the point. There is always a healing influence in their wings.
    Thank you! meb

  5. When I was a child, I was always wishing to have what I didn’t have. After C/S came to my life at the young age of 24 and with much study, what a great life I had. And a great life to come. Going through a lot of adversity doesn’t mean one does have a miserable life. On the contrary, adversity means growth, growth in that it forces one to really focus on what a great life consists of and that’s finding out one’s relationship with God. Oh! yes, I had a wonderful childhood thanks to my whole family, Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, and half Sister included. But I still wasn’t that happy because I didn’t really know God. That’s the true happiness, SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING.

  6. Thanks Evan for reminding us to focus on what we already have as heirs of God and to rejoice is most needed. The Psalmist bade us to REJOICE.

  7. Maybe I don’t claim enough but I always shoot for peace. Most of the times it seems that’s all that comes about, just peace. That’s probably something I value most because of the rough life I used to have. But every now and then from that peaceful state something beyond just peace comes to me. A definite answer to a definite prayer. Sometimes it’s also something good unexpected. I just know that if I can make it to peace through prayer, that seems always to be the starting point for something even more.
    I do notice though that the more I read CS blogs, the Bible and Science & Health, the more ‘pregnant’ that peaceful state becomes. Pregnant with realizable opportunities and expectations of such. Even though I usually don’t specifically think of them at the time. I am very grateful for that.

  8. These thoughts really hit the spot this morning. I will think about them a great deal.
    Thank you. God is my good and good is my God.

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