Commit to making progress

September 3, 2018 | 8 comments

“We all must learn that Life is God. Ask yourself: Am I living the life that approaches the supreme good? Am I demonstrating the healing power of Truth and Love? If so, then the way will grow brighter “unto the perfect day.” Your fruits will prove what the understanding of God brings to man.”

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 496.

The most important progress is spiritual.

Sometimes the human mind makes excuses as to why it isn’t making much progress in demonstrating the healing power of God. But there are no limits on spiritual growth.

When we commit to God and readily let go of material beliefs that deny God’s omnipresence, ascendancy in thought is inevitable. Suffering fades, fresh views of God’s reality appear, and healing comes.

Go for it!

8 thoughts on “Commit to making progress”

  1. Hi Evan, thank you so very much for today’s SpiritView!

    ”Progress is a law of God. ..” MBE affirms us in SH.

    And as there i s only Gods law, we as His precious children and expressions are only able to make spiritual progress. I tust that Truths, MBE gives us in her textbook Science and Health. I am grateful to be lead to CS!

    But why don’t I get SpiritView not any more in my inbox although I substanzielle ribed for it?
    Everytime I must go to a former SV and click there on the button ”newer” below here!
    Could anybody help what can be done to it?

    1. Oh, I must correct a few word.
      In the third paragraph I meant, that I trust the truth in SH by MBE totally!

      In the last paragraph I wanted to say …although I subscribed for it.

      Love to all – Uta

    2. Hi Uta,
      You might try resubscribing. Sometimes I don’t get it, but only for a day or so. Or, it might be getting caught in an email filter.

      Thanks for all your great comments!

      I’ve been agonizing over seeming lack of material progress, but have come to realize that much progress is really happening! It’s spiritual growth and progress. And I can let go, and trust the rest will follow.

  2. Ok, since I am the only commenter at the moment, I can make another nice comment.

    I agree very much with and would like to follow your invitation: Let`s go for it! namely to trust God solely and let go material beliefs that deny God`s omnipresence so that suffering can fade, fresh views of God`s reality can appear in order to prepare the way for total healing – that`s very wonderful – thanks again, dear Evan! 🙂

  3. Dear Uta, You are so faithful in your expression of gratitude and in a second language ( for you). A few misspelled words are unimportant . Your sincere message is spot on. About “Patience must have her perfect work”. It has been one year since Hurricane Harvey and our branch church had 3 1/2 feet of water. With the prayers & financial help of friends and strangers & The Mother Church, we are almost completely restored. God is Good!

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