Controlled by divine intelligence

July 4, 2023 | 15 comments

If you ever feel out of control, helpless, weak or sick, it’s helps to remember that as a child of God, you have the intelligence of God at work on your behalf giving you everything you need to be healthy and well.

God is an intelligent Mind that knows what to do and how best to do it.

Disease is not an intelligence to wrest you away from the harmonious control of divine intelligence.

Health is intelligence, and present to bless you.

Honor divine intelligence and be quick to reject any suggestion of evil intelligence.

Evil is not intelligent. Quite to the contrary!

Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “Controlled by the divine intelligence, man is harmonious and eternal”
(Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 184).

Let divine intelligence reign in your life and keep you safe and well.

15 thoughts on “Controlled by divine intelligence”

  1. Thank you so much for this heartwarming start to the Holiday. What reassurance that God is near and GOOD !

  2. On last Sunday I had such a moment that I felt let alone after a call and not so well. But thank God I know and understand Christian Science. I set quietly there and thought, that situation cannot be true as God, who is divine Love, does not leave me alone in a seemingly not so good situation.
    Thank you very much indeed dear Evan for today`s blessing and healing SpiritView. This omnipresent, and omniacting intelligent and very good God was present, giving me lovingly and intelligently advices what to do and I got calm and thankful.

  3. Thank you Evan and all. When one is controlled by divine intelligence, man is harmonious and perfect. Man must turn away completely from matter.In this way man will not interfer in God’s work, which is already complete. In Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy we read, Matter is not self-creative, for it is unintelligent. 157

  4. Thank you so very much, Evan and All. I really needed these
    helpful thoughts this morning.
    The dear photo reminds me of my Grandfather, who when we were
    no longer able to care for him, had to be put in a nursing home for a
    short time, which he was not at all happy in. We tried to visit him as
    much as possible. He passed on on this holiday and it always sort
    of reminds me of his independence and freedom from mortal
    limitations that we sometimes seem to feel stuck in.

    1. Thank you, Dear Rose, for your very kind and
      comforting words. (I really needed that today,
      especially where I, too, have had difficult moments).
      I had noticed, also, that our posts were missing, as I
      wanted to reread the supportive thoughts you had
      so lovingly shared. Thank you for them.
      Perhaps because we mentioned loves ones passing?
      But missing, “mortally speaking”, Is a challenge when
      we can no longer communicate or be “with”, at least
      on some level of relevant back and forth literal
      sharing, with those who mean so much to us.
      We both know Spiritually their love lives on in our
      hearts, but sometimes we Seem to be missing
      them on a “human” level, especially those who have
      been in tune so much with our previous thoughts.
      I understand completely and empathetically how
      you would be feeling and my heart goes out to you
      with deep Love-filled affection and caring. But as
      with Evan’s topic, today, divine intelligence …
      which is eternal, is our guiding force, when loved
      ones seem to be in a place of which we can not
      A big Spiritual hug to you, Dear Rose

      1. Same hug back to you! Yes we can lean on divine Intelligence to gently guide our thoughts to a fuller understanding of Truth and thereby know more Peace. All is well because all IS well.

  5. Christian Science presents to us the divine intelligence as the Mind of God with which to reason
    out from the spiritual facts produced by God’s law of perfection,, and then we can assert our God-given authority to cast out the lies of disease as imposters, whose disguise has been torn off by
    the Law of Love, and revealed as nothing but powerless suggestions. Disease has no mind that can reason about anything, because it has no divine law to support it. As Mrs. Eddy says,” It is
    nothing, because it is the absence of something”. She says: –

    .”Suffer no claim of sin or of sickness to grow upon the thought. Dismiss it with an abiding conviction that it is illegitimate, because you know that God is no more the author of sickness than He is of sin. You have no law of His to support the necessity either of sin or sickness, but you have divine authority for denying that necessity and healing the sick”.(SH 390:20)

  6. Oh Dear Dear Evan❤️
    “We have the healthy and happy Mind of God to express!”
    I am grateful beyond measure for today’s SpiritView! Thank you for these life-saving ideas, and those from my precious SpiritViewers ~ from Grace I love the idea “controlled by divine intelligence[I am] harmonious, and perfect. Let God’s work, action ideas inspiration be seen! Gods work is already complete!
    We get to use our God-given authority to cast out lies, limitation, because the Law of God is triumphant.

    I have been very low for too many days, and Evan’s precious instruction is lifting me out of that dark place of confusion. The Daily Thought from JSH is “Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for us much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”
    We are to witness the glory of God: we have the beautiful and marvelous examples of Christ Jesus’ life, Mary Baker Eddy’s life and work, and we too, can overcome everything because God’s work is done. We can see God’s work as revelation. we want our lives to express that wonder and majesty and triumphs over every obstacle, impediment, challenge.
    Really truly, my heart is overflowing with thanks❤️

    1. Dear Annie, sending loving thoughts to you. Whatever has been seeming to challenge you has no power to keep you down. God and His goodness are in charge of you and me and all of us. Love.

  7. How wonderful to be reminded that we are truly “controlled by divine Intelligence.” At times we may feel we are controlled by what “our” mortal thoughts are telling us, and actually believe they are our thoughts.

    I once heard someone say, “What do you want as your GPS, your navigation/guidance system in life: God who loves you and has your best interests at heart, or error thoughts, which only come to “kill, steal and destroy?” Well that’s a no-brainer. Mortal thoughts are insane and not to be trusted. As Evan said, “Evil is not intelligent.” Let’s stick with divine Intelligence. Happy spiritual Independence Day!

  8. Thank you for the great and uplifting message today. Grace shared this statement from Science and Heath on p. 157 ” Matter is not self-creative, for it is unintelligent.” My next thought was Spirit, God is the only Creator, and is the expression of all intelligence Mind. That keeps our thought attuned to our Father-Mother God. We each are the very expression of mindfulness, kindness, peacefulness and love. We each have the divine right to grow in our understanding of our true womanhood and manhood as children of God. We can be aware of opportunities to express these qualities and apply them to our daily interactions with others. There is no blame or inadequate abilities but opportunities to listen to divine Mind and grow in our desire and ability to express God’s goodness .This blesses all! This gives us freedom!

    1. Hi Narrell, those who have not subscribed to the Sentinel or Journal cannot read the link you sent so lovingly.
      Could perhaps anybody help to open that article completely, please?

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