Cut out the babble

March 17, 2015 | 10 comments

This instruction from Jesus Christ in the Sermon on the Mount on how to pray caught my attention.

He said,

“When you pray, don’t babble on and on…” Matthew 6:7, NLT.

I imagine most people don’t “babble” when they pray, LOL, but there might be times when we parrot truths and mindlessly repeat affirmations expecting results to occur but nothing happens because we’re not engaged with living the truths we speak. We’re just saying the words. At this point, our prayers could very well be little more than babbling! And it’s not fruitful.

One way to prevent babbling prayers is to be clear on purpose. Expect to gain new inspiration in your effort. Expect to feel closer to God, to feel more of the divine presence as a result of your prayer, and then work, work, work for it until you find it. Fervently strive for improved spiritual mindedness. Vigorously seek new and higher views of Truth. Don’t be content with a substandard status quo. Don’t quit yearning until you find deep peace within. The peace is a sign that you “have arrived!” And it’s not words that get you there, but enlightened spiritual consciousness.

Cut out the babble and get to Truth, for Truth does the healing work.

10 thoughts on “Cut out the babble”

  1. I like the thought that you will know when you arrive by the peace experienced. Very important to understand the significance of authentically being in the moment with Spirit and not repeating a sing song recipe for healing.

  2. Sometimes when I have stopped my regular prayer time and then come back to it, I am more conscious of what I am saying . I think some of the ‘roteworkness ‘that can creep in is gone.
    I agree, this would be a great daily lift.

  3. A turn on a word in the NLT leading to a wonderful new insight to your beautifully attuned, spiritually alert mind! For me, Evan, this opened up yet one more door to understanding the power of the word of God as taught by Jesus. And wouldn’t you know it? It happened just when I needed it! BTW, so looking forward to your webinar today.

  4. Zing! This gets right to the heart of feeling, being in the divine presence . It isn’t the words, but the feeling, the knowing that we are at one with God, good. Again, thanks for helping us to focus with clarity.

  5. In order for me to pray, I need to say to myself the words such as for example; “THIS IS THE DAY THAT GOD HAD MADE, I SHALL BE SATISFIED AND REJOICE.” I don’t feel this is babble, but I examine each word to set my mind to understand it and then to unfold it as the prayer instructs me. This is the way I pray.

  6. Learned the difference between babble and prayer, recently, when I was healed, from a claim of aggressive cold symptoms. I went to bed, to sleep, but was woken by this claim.

    I prayed “Become conscious for a single moment, …” and prayed EVERY moment, (yes it was every moment, again, and again) “to become conscious that Life and intelligence are purely spiritual, neither in nor of matter, — and the body will then utter no complaints.”

    S&H p 14

    The healing came during the night, and I was free to rest peacefully, until the morning sun woke me, clear and free from any false claim. That was months ago.

  7. My Dad entered S&H P. 14 in a pocket size S/H in 58 when I graduated from Sunday School and I have treasured this all my life. I have offered this to many new persons entering C.S. and I could feel it opened their hearts and eyes which influenced their progressive works in becoming a C.S. supporter as well as a joiner. Thanks Chilesands for addressing these thoughts.

    1. Bill Gearhart: Love your remembrance of your father’s graduation gift. While you’ve used the reference, with new persons entering C.S., to open their hearts and eyes to initiate them to the work of C.S., you’ve opened my eyes to a new light. I can think of two individuals right now.

      Thanks for sharing, and all the encouragement to reach out to one in need of becoming conscious…for a single moment, to good.

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