Daily defense against aggression

March 2, 2022 | 28 comments

In the governing manual of the church I belong to, there is a short by-law that reminds each member of the organization the critical importance of defending their thought from aggressive mental suggestion.

With the aggressive nature evil has been taking on several fronts in the world today, I thought it was a useful reminder to each of us, that we cannot cruise through life indifferent to what evil appears to be doing around us. We must take prayerful steps to counter that evil and defeat it.

The by-law is titled, “Alertness to Duty:” It states,

“It shall be the duty of every member of this Church to defend himself daily against aggressive mental suggestion, and not be made to forget nor to neglect his duty to God, to his Leader, and to mankind. By his works he shall be judged, — and justified or condemned” (Manual of The Mother Church, p. 42).

Our “works” are the effect of the life we live.

When we are doing our duty to God, we are standing up for right, arguing on the side of good, putting down the claims of evil, resisting and refuting offensives of evil, working for justice, and healing the sick and the suffering.

It’s empowering to fulfill our duty to God. It keeps us safe from evil, and helps our neighbor do the same.

The world needs our “Alertness” more than ever.

28 thoughts on “Daily defense against aggression”

  1. Wow, great reminder on the alertness to “duty.”
    It was brought to my attention by a very sincere student of Christian Science many years ago that Mrs. Eddy in that bylaw you mentioned it says “defend against … aggressive mental SUGGESTION…” (singular) and in the S&H textbook on p. 16:16, Mrs. Eddy explains the original text of the Lord’s Prayer to read “Deliver us from the evil ONE” as the last line. She further explains the evil ONE is but another name for the first lie – namely a mind apart from God! ANYTHING suggesting that God is not ALL is a (mental) LIE … it is all ONE lie and not many lies. This breaks it down into a manageable simplicity (but not simplistic) that no matter what the window dressing is, it is ONE lie and must be instantly dismissed and renounced as such.
    God is, so only GOOD is. “As in heaven, so (be it) on earth.”

    1. Thank you Evan and Carrie, very helpful.

      Yes, “it takes two to tango” one idea and one participator.

      Today I will endeavour to challenge erroneous idea, whatever it’s seeming source, as one and pop it’s self inflated importance with the arsenal of right ideas at my disposal.


    2. Carrie I like this idea you have pointed out that there is truly only one lie, the one that denies that God is All. Yes, so many types of “window dressing” and disguises but just one powerless lie underneath. Also, the term is aggressive mental suggestion, showing it is merely an offering, we never have to take the suggestion. It is insubstantial, just a thought, that can be rejected, as we turn to the power of Truth.

  2. We can not stand by idly and allow our minds to be not engaged in the world around us. We are not islands of safety while our brothers are in turmoil. We have a duty to God and man to know that we are all included in His grace, protection and wisdom lets demonstrate that duty of care, love, and sincere desire to Be.

  3. The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature.”

    I would say, entertain no notions unsuitable to
    virtue and Truth.

    1. Thank you, M. What a wonderful quote that goes so well with today’s message! Thank you also Evan and all who comment today and every day. Every idea is so helpful to our much-needed prayer work. Have a blessed day, All.

    1. I am so very grateful for this site and those who share upliftment. Thank you, JP for the link. It is an answered prayer for me this morning.

    2. Thank you JP, what an awesome article! This article mentions listening, and I’ve been thinking a lot too about calm, and the quote “Be still, and know that I am God”. (Ps. 46:10) I recently came across a breakdown of the verse online:
      “Be Still” (Listen, stop talking, switch off your phone, stop questioning, stop arguing)
      and know (stop doubting, be sure, have faith, no second opinion)
      I am God” (God is Almighty, God is Love, God is in control, God is ever-present, God is my Shepherd, God is my Father-Mother, God is my hope, rock, fortress)

  4. This post came in a timely manner for me,
    Thank you.
    A person selling insurance came to my home yesterday with many “suggestions” of false need and “What ifs” pertaining to the lie of death and accident which I was able to detect and reverse, however, lingering suggestions need to be reversed and this rule gives me strength to further commit to daily watchfulness and to claim protection for myself, family, neighbor, etc from the underlying lie of sickness, sin, and fear and death.Bivk

    1. Ah yes, the “insurance” suggestion! Since we are immortal, having never been born, and under absolutely no obligation, law, or any material suggestion that says we die, I have found it very helpful to know that because we are immortal, we can never fall from perfection. Having never been born, we are ageless, and can never be subject to anything related to the material sense of age –
      so-called childhood diseases, or decay in any form. There is only Immortal Mind and it’s immortal manifestation. Hence, there is no mortal mind that can mesmerize nor be mesmerized! No insurance is ever needed when we understand where we live, who we are, and that there is only NOW. ❤️

  5. Arthur Wuth’s article is so absolutely perfect for our daily treatments for ourselves and young loved ones. Thank you all for these contributions.

  6. I am particularly mindful these days regarding the disinformation and divisive propaganda floating around our own nation intended to divide us and sap our strength in unity. Mary Baker Eddy wrote: “The whole world needs to know that the milder forms of animal magnetism and hypnotism are yielding to its aggressive features.” We can guard our thought from believing that elements of evil are real and avoid any news source that seems to stir up fearful reaction or disgust. This mental manipulation by traditional media and social media algorithms is a different kind of crime but definitely one we need to be alert to. We can support our nations passing laws to purify our news. She continues in this same article, ” The crimes committed under this new-old régime of necromancy or diabolism are not easily reckoned. At present its mystery protects it, but its hidden modus and flagrance will finally be known, and the laws of our land will handle its thefts, adulteries, and murders, and will pass sentence on the darkest and deepest of human crimes.
    (’01 19:20–21:5)

  7. Just what was needed thank you Evan, Carrie, and all comments these are very helpful.
    The article that JP shared was the one that was so helpful too!
    Just this morning I was doing everything but, sitting and really taking the time for my spiritual journey. Thanks for sharing I have it bookmarked now! So very grateful to all!
    And thank you to Deen I will be sharing yours with my family.

  8. On Sunday, Pope Francis addressed the crisis and urged people around the world to make tomorrow, March 2, a day of fasting and prayer for peace in Ukraine. On Friday in Russia, according to Christianity Today, the Associated Russian Union of Christians of Evangelical-Pentecostal Faith (ROSKhVE) put out a statement calling for a divine resolution of the conflict: “God has called us to love [and] the primary values should not be the specific outlines of borders, but human souls.”


  9. Ha, ha, ha – that is a priceless picture of the dog and flock.!! Good example to illustrate the point Mrs. Eddy was making. Thank you.

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