Defend your right to health

January 6, 2016 | 16 comments

With the winter season fast settling in and suggestions of common health ailments that seem to come along with it start to pop up, this is a good time to defend your right to enduring, permanent health!

And the best way to defend your right to health is to understand the spiritual truth about it.

Health is not a state of matter, but of Mind, of the divine Mind, that governs man through spiritual law.

Health coming from divine Mind is not subject to lack or loss. It does not have up days and down days. It is not variable. It never wanes and wavers. It is not affected by germs. It is never infected by viruses. It is a fixed condition of man’s being as a child of God.

So, be wise, and stay away from depressing human theories about health. Health is not a condition of matter that is susceptible to disease. Health is a permanent part of your being and is always present to enjoy. And yes, all winter long!

Mary Baker Eddy wrote,

“The cause of all so-called disease is mental, a mortal fear, a mistaken belief or conviction of the necessity and power of ill-health; also a fear that Mind is helpless to defend the life of man and incompetent to control it.” Science and Health, p. 377.

You can take steps now to defend your health this winter.

Accept Love’s health-provision for you, and keep out mortal fears.

Stay steadfast with Truth and defeat mistaken beliefs.

And definitely don’t indulge the belief that suffering is necessary! It is not. God’s plan for you is reliable, dependable health. It’s your divine right to enjoy! Accept it today.

16 thoughts on “Defend your right to health”

  1. So well explained Evan, that since God, the Divine Mind governs man through Spiritual Law, Health is a state of Mind and not matter. So if Health comes from God, Divine Mind, it is unaffected by any change in weather or material conditions. We are harmoniously existent in the Divine Mind, God as spiritual ideas or His beloved children. Good health is ours forever, as we all are the perfect reflection of the perfect father-mother God.
    Your inspiration of today has uplifted thought to focus on God, who is the source of our health, happiness, peace, harmony and all good. If the infinite God is the source of all good, we never lack anything but have an abundance of everything.

  2. Thank you, dear Evan! What I love about Christian Science, the Science of the Christ that Jesus utilized to Heal, is that it operates completely outside the usual material sense of things. It gives us support and strength to acknowledge that we are indeed spiritual ideas held firmly in God, the one divine Mind, and therefore can only be subject to what God, Good, knows……and that means Good Health! Blessings to All!

  3. The medical profession is gradually admitting that health is based on the mental acceptance of it but it is still on a material plane. This is good for eventually C/S will be universally accepted as the only system that annialates beliefs of crippling diseases.

  4. Thank you, dear Evan: Very much needed this today. Love the Spiritview reader comments. My spirits and thought are lifted. “Fear thou not for I am with thee” comes strongly to mind after reading this.

  5. “Stay steadfast with Truth and defeat mistaken beliefs.” Needed this today. This short, powerful statement is going on my refrig. and exit door. Thank you Evan. I am so grateful for your valuable daily messages of Truth.

  6. Thanks so much Evan and all of the contributors. Today’s Daily Lift was also very inspiring. We had about a foot of snow yesterday in Big Bear City, California, and today I am enjoying the sun highlighting a winter wonderland – only harmless beauty!

  7. I really like this…especially the following statement:

    “Health is not a state of matter, but of Mind…”

    This made me think of all of the times I have thought of myself as living in a material body and “consulted” with material laws to determine how I felt that day or how I was going to feel tomorrow.

    I will know instead now that I’m not material and silence any suggestion to consult with matter about my health by remembering “I am healthy today because health is a state of Mind, God, and I reflect Mind.” 🙂

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