Demonstrate success

October 23, 2015 | 18 comments

A wonderful aspect of Christian Science is that it puts God in control of your success and empowers you to accomplish more than you would otherwise accomplish.

Too often, people feel helpless and hopeless, out of control, because they believe something other than God is in control of their circumstances. Perhaps they believe a key person is working against them, or there are economic, social, political or physical factors out of their control and holding them back.

A key factor in breaking out of this type of despair is to understand that God is the source of all worthy success, not the world or other people.

The ignorant thought believes life to be in matter and thus controlled by matter. It looks around through the physical senses to decide what is possible and what is not possible. When it sees lack, it fears lack. When it sees disease, it fears disease. It believes evil is real and powerful and in control. And the sensation of impending despair results.

The divine Mind inspired thinker does not consult the physical senses to see what is possible. The inspired thought starts with God and perceives what is possible with divine Mind, and then decides its course of action. Where the physical senses see lack, the Mind-sense finds abundance and supply. Where the physical senses see disease, the Mind-sense finds health and demonstrates it.

You are in control of your own success. You are the one who chooses what to believe and what not to believe, and then you live out your choice. So, to be successful in all worthy endeavor, it’s wise to make choices according to what is real with God and not according to what the physical senses report.

“With God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26), Jesus reminded us. When you work out solutions to your problems with God, you will discern possibilities that the physical senses do not know. You will see solutions where you thought there were no solutions. You will find abundance where you thought there was lack. You will discern more of the kingdom of heaven here on earth. And no one will hold you back.

There is no economic, social, political or physical factor that can hold God back from prospering every right He gives you to act on.

There is no person that can dictate what you think and demonstrate. Success is solely between you and God! You can demonstrate success without limit.

18 thoughts on “Demonstrate success”

  1. Ditto, Kate. These thoughts say it all! In a nutshell, Every ‘problem’ that we may be seemingly facing, is covered in these very words! Thank you, Evan…. so concise, potent and to the point. A Wonderful way to start the day!

  2. These thoughts shared this morning remind us that God truly is in control. Each day as we work to incorporate these spiritual ideas into our day though actions, clear thinking, prayerful thought we can see more and more that all things are possible. The great thing too is that He/She shows us the way. Everyone is benefited by this type of action and thinking! A lovely day to all!

  3. Wow! This is Terrific! Thanks, Evan, for the “jumpstart” this morning! I’m feeling like I’m just beginning to come “out of the fog” a little. I mean…..some Truths are finally beginning to penetrate the seeming solidness of the material senses. You mean ………there Really IS another Reality (the only Reality) besides the one I see, hear, feel with my material senses? REALLY…….???

  4. The 1 big thing to demonstrate destruction of is my son’s extream hatred and jealousy of my Nurse Aide who gave up, literally, her whole life with her family and moved in to my apartment to take care of me so I can have a happier and fuller life wit joy and harmony. My son is so jealous of that, that his twisted evil thoughts are finding many ways of getting rid of her and putting me into an uncaring institution to die there of as horrible death that can be conceived of a Dictator. I wrote of this before but now it’s unbearable. Thus proving the hatred of Truth, God that’s so prevalent in mortal mind’s desire to rid the world of goodness.

  5. Thank you Evan!!!

    I’ve had a number of instances where I felt material laws were set aside in my experience so that I could experience life as God created. Most recently, I helped my elderly parents move from a four bedroom home in which they lived for 50 years in only 6 days (i.e. lease an apartment, sort through 50 years of things to determine what to keep and what to leave, packing, moving to a new location 200 miles away, etc., etc. in only 6 days).

    I’ve often marveled at the stories where Jesus set aside material laws, such as when he walked on the water, fed the multitudes, etc., and wondered how he did those things. As I said, I’ve experienced examples of that, but when they happened, I didn’t really know exactly what I did through prayer to cause them to happen. But recently I read an article by Michelle Nanouche from the October 2014 Journal that caused me to gain a glimpse of the thought process which allowed Jesus to do things in opposition to material laws….the same ideas Evan has brought out today in this blog. Simply put, when reading this article it came to me that when we face situations where it appears that material law is preventing God’s law from operating, the solution is to know God’s law is supreme. In mathematical notation this idea would be written as follows:

    God’s Law > material law (so called)

    For example, when Jesus faced a multitude that needed feeding, but the material law stated that there was no humanly acceptable food in the desert, Jesus knew that God establishes a law of Love whereby each of His ideas is always completely supplied with everything they need. And by knowing that God’s law is superior to material law, Jesus could demonstrate God’s law, setting aside the so-called material law. In other words, by knowing that God’s law is supreme, and by acting from that perspective (i.e. giving thanks for the food on hand and passing out that food to the people), Jesus was able to demonstrate the supply needed in that situation.

    Sometimes when you glimpse a truth like this it is hard to express it in words. And I feel like my words today are falling short. But hopefully you can understand this idea of the superiority of God’s law making it possible in all cases to demonstrate God’s law…even when material law is screaming what you want to do is not possible. By knowing God’s law is superior, that gives you power to demonstrate God’s law, regardless of what suggestions may come to you that are contrary to that right idea.

    1. Good thinking Brian. You express yourself clearly and well. The kingdom of God that comes not with observation is always “at hand.” Thank you.

  6. Evan, you have a God given gift of explaining the Truth in a clear way so that others can understand it. Thanks for this, and for all you do.

  7. Tobias:

    First you must declare that God is watching over you and will not allow or have you subject to these negative thoughts. I assume you have a CSP that may work for you to handle this assumption.

    Keep us informed so that our collective prayers will enhance the right thinking process for all of us. We do care and will work for a successful closure.

    1. Dear Bill gearhart; NO! I don’t have a CPS working for me. My son has full control over every thing financial and he believes that C/S is a cult which destroys, not heals. Medical can only heal. I do this on my own. Truly, I never believed my son would turn against me when he grew up as a C/S without I day of childhood illnesses

  8. DEAR Tobias: Read Evan’s first two paragraphs. The only person in control is God, the GREAT I AM. Do not be fooled, distressed by mortal mind’s contortions. ONLY God controls every aspect of our lives. Life is not in matter and is not controlled by it. Remember, discouragement is one of mortal mind’s enticing tools to pull us off the path of absolute knowing that only God is in control.

  9. Tobias, somehow feel real, authentic love for your son. See every one of his spiritual qualities, even if there is only one. We are with you, the aide, & your son.

    1. Dear all that responded, my son called me yesterday to apologize. I forgave him. I am waiting for 11/6/2015 when I meet with the Medicaid person. I will respond with another “up to date.”

  10. Dear Evan,
    this statement means on the other hand, that if you fail to be successful, it is your own fault because you are not doing the right thinking.
    My husband became victim of some fierce business lies and in consequence, the whole family is affected, from financial losses to degradation and humiliation and the shattering of a dream. We have been praying to see through the mist for the past 6 months, have been trying to understand that God is the supplier of everything, but all got worse and by now, we have lost all energy to keep up spiritual beliefs and thus all faith.
    To think that we are even responsible for all of this, having even our children suffer the consequences, is unbearable.
    At the end of all hopes and dreams,

    1. Hi Nicole,

      No, it is not meant to mean on the other hand that we are failures when trouble besets us. It just means we are facing a major opportunity to demonstrate that we do have the help we need coming from God.

      It sounds like you have faced some major malice. Of course, you are not the cause of that malice or evil. And it is not your fault that it happened, I assume. Jesus was the target of horrendous malice. And it was not his fault. He was the target because he was so good and the evil ones wanted to shut down his goodness. But Jesus prevailed because he understood the power of good over evil. And this is your opportunity too! Don’t cave to the aggressive belief that evil is more powerful than truth. God does supply the wisdom, guidance, inspiration and intelligence to be wiser than evil intent, to defeat it and prevent it from reaching its goal. Don’t let the evil thinker mesmerize you into feeling helpless. You have the wise help you need coming from above to defeat this and triumph! Much love.

      1. Thank you, Evan. for reminding me of Jesus’s situation. That helps a lot! It’s just kind of hard to not feel down hearted, if there appears to be not even a silver lining after lots of prayer. Overcoming that is the final challenge, I guess. Thank you again.

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