Demonstrate success

April 13, 2012 | 10 comments

One liberating aspect of Christian Science is that you don’t have to wait around for another person to act or a situation to develop before you can move ahead and demonstrate success.

A mortal mind view of the universe is that mortals are often helpless and stuck, out of control of events around them, and at the mercy of other mortals’ decision-making.
But thanks to reality, that mortal mind view is wrong.
All forms of rightful supply flow from God…ALL supply.  So, what is there to wait around for?
Waiting should never be on time or on others, but on God…patient expectancy and acknowledgement of good flowing abundantly and freely from God at every moment of existence.
Any perceived delay has nothing to do with how fast God is sending aid. God’s help is always here. The sense of delay is the period in which we are learning to accept more of God’s goodness. We find it as fast as we’re willing to receive and accept it.
So, if feeling lonely, don’t wait for a friend to knock on your door for the loneliness to flee. That may or may not happen. Live the engaging presence of Love and demonstrate the omnipresence of friendship already with you. Be the friendship you desire manifest. The seeming void will vanish and new active expressions of friendship in your life will appear.
If you lack financially, don’t wait for money to appear. That may or may not happen. Demonstrate supply. Supply is spiritual: ideas, wisdom, intelligence, creativity, flowing from God and being expressed through you in useful and profitable forms of living.
To demonstrate means to show by doing.
Each of us are whole complete beings made in God’s image. We have everything we need to fully reflect God in all the right ways built into our individuality. The privilege of life is to show, or demonstrate, this reality through the life we live.
You can demonstrate success right where you are. Mortal mind is not holding you back. Others are not standing in your way. Time is not a factor. You have everything you need coming from God to progress. So, go for it!

10 thoughts on “Demonstrate success”

  1. Dear Evan, That is so encouraging. The way sometimes seems so long and so narrow, we realise there is so much more to learn and to practice before we see the fruition of our trust in God’s loving care.
    Thankyou for all your lovely Blogs especially this one.
    Edmund from London.

  2. That is a little vague. How do you go for it? How do you demonstrate friendship when there is no one there to demonstrate it to? How do you demonstrate supply when the bank account is almost empty?
    I understand that we can be content just in God’s presence and we should be happy just demonstrating His qualities, but how do we pay the bills?
    Dennis R.

  3. Evan, can you add one more paragraph to your wonderful article?

    “If you are without health, don’t wait for health to appear …

    Thank you.

  4. Hi Dennis,

    Aw, the answer lies in seeing yourself as living in God’s universe, rather than mortal mind’s limited view of God’s universe.

    Mortal mind materializes all of God’s supply and goodness and puts limits on it. Supply becomes dollars. Health becomes a pulse rate, etc. This is a big mistake.

    God is infinite Mind. We live in a universe of unlimited Mind. Mind truly is the Supplier, Provider, Sustainer of all life and being, and the supply comes in a spiritual form.

    Supply is ideas, wisdom, intelligence, creativity, good planning, keen listening, capacity, ability, and so on. Act on these gifts from God, and the effect is money in the bank to pay the bills.

    Friendships are the effect of Love in action. Live the Love, and the life you live becomes a strong attraction for people who want to experience that love, even people who are not even visible to your eye yet.

  5. To anon,

    You don’t wait for health to appear because what are you waiting for? Health is a state of Mind that man, the child of God, expresses, continually and constantly. It isn’t doled out to us over a time line, or through some type of material sieve/medicine/procedure. It is present in your being this very moment! Know…understand…accept wholeheartedly…this truth, and it sets you free.

  6. Helpful, as always, Evan.

    Dennis: Re finding (demonstrating) friendship…when
    there seems to be no one around you feel friendly toward or vs… There seems to be a lot of lonely folks out there, but are they friends with their divine intelligent Mind, God…listening, loving, serving, forgetting self, etc… I think this is the correct starting point in finding satisfying human friendships, don’t you? In actually, even human friends are simply places where we are allowing divine Love, God, in! And another important aspect of finding friendships is to be friends with ourselves! Being supportive and loving and respectful and kind to our own sweet selves! So often I have realized that I have not always been a very good friend to myself, and am finally learning this is vital! If I put myself down, even condemn myself because of some
    mistake and so on, this is naturally self-defeating.
    God is our Best Friend! He/She knows how to bring into our human lives the human experiences we need. God is not far-off, out of reach to us, humanly. Divine Love is … divine! Close at hand.
    Total Love! Ours for the acceptance.

    It all is quite simple, really.

    Hope this helps. (Helped me!!)


  7. Thank you, Anonymous. That is helpful.

    Sometimes spiritual articles tend too be to vague for me. I like things to be black and white. That is why I ask questions.

    They tell you to demonstrate, but don’t tell you how. I am talking in general now not any specific person.

    BTW, I have a wonderful friend in my wife of 38 years. She was a gift from God.

  8. “Each of us are whole complete beings . . . “
    Actually it should read:

    “Each [one of us] IS a whole complete being . . . “

    And I really loved this whole idea. It’s very helpful and directly hit the mark.

    Thanks for sharing such great ideas!

  9. Thank you for this wonderful blog and wonderful article, God loves us so infinitely that he leaves us the choice to accept Him Her in our lives

    Your article is marvellously helpful to me, Ondine

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