Disease never changes you

August 21, 2024 | 43 comments

I was cleaning the exterior of a picture window in my office.  As I wiped away the filth on the glass with window cleaner, I saw an analogy to how disease is wiped away from the human experience.

And it goes like this…

The dirt on the window never changes the glass.  The glass is the same whether there is dirt on it or not.  When the dirt is wiped away, the purity and clarity of the glass is revealed, which was always present, and never lost.

The same type of action happens in the human consciousness as Truth wipes away false beliefs of disease.

Man is the perfect child of God.  You are the perfect child of God!  Any sensation of disease is “dirt” in the human consciousness, but is never part of you, the child of God.  

If one tries to see themselves through the lens of a human mind laden with a belief of disease, they are looking through a “dirty window.”  The disease may appear to be part of them.  But it never is.  One’s true body with Spirit never includes disease, any more than a clean window pane includes dirt.  Dirt is an add-on that can be cleaned off.

The purpose of prayer is to see what God sees, to cease looking through the lens of a “dirty” human mind, and see what divine Mind created—a perfect, healthy being of God’s creating.  As the view of spiritual truth gets clear, the “dirt” of the human mind is washed away.  Beliefs of disease disappear.  The “window” of consciousness is cleansed, and the body it governs is cleansed too.  

Just as my glass window was never altered by the dirt appearing on its surface, disease never changes you.  See what God sees, and let Truth wipe the dirt of false belief away.

43 thoughts on “Disease never changes you”

  1. “Become conscious for a single moment that Life and intelligence are purely spiritual, neither in nor of matter,
    and the body will then utter no complaints.” Science and Health, 14:12-15. This is one of many ‘go to’ quotes by MBE that I rely on. Becoming conscious to me is key!

  2. This is a really clear and perfect analogy, Evan – thank you. Very helpful. I must
    give my spiritual lenses a thorough clean in order to see God’s perfect creation
    and myself and everyone clearly as Christ Jesus did. His clarity of thought brought
    immediate results in the purifying of everyone’s thoughts to reveal the perfect man
    in God’s own image.

    1. Well stated, Maggie. One of my favorite quotes is on page 476 of Science and Health: Jesus beheld in Science the perfect man.. . . This correct view of man healed the sick..:\”

      Thank you Evan for this perfectly clear analogy,, also well stated and very helpful.

  3. A wonderful analogy that couldn’t be CLEARER .
    So easy to understand. Great to use in a Sunday School class ⭐️

  4. My friend shared with me that white vinegar in the washer on laundry (1/2 cup) freshens the load and acts a fabric softener too. Your tip of today will remain with me just as the laundry day tip has. Thank you very much!

  5. Thanks Evan:
    So greatful of this clear anology, about deseases. it never really changes who we are.
    perfect children of God

  6. I loved, “Dirt is an add-on that can be cleaned off.” Truth is the window cleaner we pour on and see the dirt, mist, fog of error beliefs dissolved into their native nothingness. God’s man (woman, child) does not have a dirty mind, but a clean clear divine Mind that knows that all is well.

    Love to all!

  7. What I like about this post is that it needs nothing more added to it to explain it better. Just wonderful post, Thank you, Evan.

  8. Obrigada Professor Evans.
    Tinha necessidade desta reflexão. E chaegou como sempre Deus suprindo necessidades!!

  9. I heard a man tell of being healed of drug addiction while sitting by a very dirty river. While looking at the water, he realized that the pollution molecules and the water molecules had never become one. They may look to be mix d but in fact were not.

  10. I heard a man tell of being healed of drug addiction while sitting by a very dirty river. While looking at the water, he realized that the pollution molecules and the water molecules had never become one. They may look to be mix d but in fact were not.

    1. Cathy, if I have to choose, I’ll take both your remarks, your remarks of healing addition to drugs becomes even clearer the second time. With drug addiction visible where I am, contributions to heal those afflicted requires the entire army to realize healing. “Open mine eyes that I MAY SEE” brings the healing power, to see clearly how to quit addition to drugs. . . .COLD!

  11. I was just thinking of cleaning the sliding glass door just yesterday, as the days
    are getting cooler and will soon be too cold to. There was a beautiful spider web
    right above where the dogs go in and out and didn’t want to disturb it, but noticed
    the wind must have blown it off, so all is clear to clean away. Disease can also be
    seen as dis ease, anything that would obstruct our thoughts away from ease of
    thought, or God’s thoughts of Love and Peace and Harmony. Thank you all for
    such wonderfully squeaky clean thoughts today. The cobwebs of thought are in
    higher places and Love wipes away all discord, so our view is perfect.

      1. Hi, dear Uta,
        A squeegee is like in the picture above, a window cleaner,
        that is a lot like a windshield wiper on a car. I think what
        David means is – Mind is like a spiritual cleaner that sweeps
        away mortal (little) mind thinking and replaces it with God-like

  12. A wonderful analogy. You have explained in a very simple way. Dirt is add-on that can be cleaned off. so shake off thy dust/ material beliefs. Thank you so much Evan

  13. Thank you very much, Evan for this helpful SpiritView, cleaning up all error that does not belong to God`s child and therefore is not touched by any dirty thoughts. God`s thoughts are substance and life, so in that sense it says in this week’s lesson. And God is only wonderfully good!
    This also reminds me at the booklet for the Sundayschool ” The House with the colored windows”. All windows where colored, only the last window was clear through which you can see the reality and how everything really is.

  14. This makes me think of a movie screen in a theater.
    The actual screen itself is always white.
    You can through a good movie or a bad movie
    up on the screen. The bad movie does not
    change the whiteness or integrity of the screen
    iitself. The screen remains pure and white.

  15. I really love this clear analogy Evan! Cleaning glass is something most people have done and seen happen and have experienced the satisfaction, joy and almost surprise it gives to see how untouched the glass is after being cleaned. Not to mention the light shining through the glass coming into the room/into thought is brighter. This analogy shows with super clarity how to address and clear off the “dirt” of mortal mind thoughts and see the real person/idea of God’s creating. Thank you!

  16. Thank you Evan, and everyone for their comments. I was thinking about how “sneaky” dirt, i.e., erroneous belief, can be…. It may gradually build up without our noticing it, until suddenly we realize how obscured is our view. Mary Baker Eddy’s directive that we defend ourselves daily (clean the window every day) is so wise.

  17. Thank you Christine, listened to this Sentinel Watch episode with CS Practitioner Mark Unger on Keeping Your Thought Mud-Free, it was great!

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