Do what you can demonstrate

July 20, 2018 | 21 comments

I’m in the profession of helping people work out their problems spiritually, and I see people healed spiritually every day.

However, on occasion, I have individuals contact me who see the potential of spiritual healing, and would like to try it, but have little faith in it. They feel like relying upon God for healing is like jumping over the edge of a cliff with no bottom in sight.

In these situations, I endeavor to build their faith in Spirit, and encourage them to take their journey Spirit-ward a step at a time. They don’t have to master all the laws of God at once to experience healing benefit. They can start simple, learn some basic truths, apply them, be grateful for every step of progress, and keep learning as experience gives occasion.

Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer of Christian Science, wrote, “Emerge gently from matter into Spirit. Think not to thwart the spiritual ultimate of all things, but come naturally into Spirit through better health and morals and as the result of spiritual growth” (Science and Health, p. 485). As with any learning activity, we start at the beginning and work our way up in understanding.

Christian Science never asks us to do anything unreasonable. We do what we’re ready to demonstrate, and God will give us what we need each step of the way to keep on moving down the path of progress.

21 thoughts on “Do what you can demonstrate”

  1. You are so right Evan, thanks for reminding us! The Truth is simple and often children grasp it quickly as they have less “material mindedness” to overcome. And we are never on our own. Each challenge overcome propels us forward in our spiritual journey.

  2. As one who was raised as a Christian Scientist but has stepped away from time to time, I have come to know that God always meets us where we are and welcomes us “home” as the “prodigal son”. We can always trust that Spirit and our faith in our true reflection of God can help us move forward in our understanding and practice of Christian Science, at just the right pace.

    1. Thank you Evan and Alex, too, for these gently hugging words of encouragement, and reference to Mrs. Eddy’s “Emerge gently…”
      I don’t have to make it so hard, do I? “The loveliness of Love is all around.”

  3. This is such a kind post, Evan. For new and seasoned students of Christian Science alike. Thank you, it just exudes love and I’m grateful for that this morning.

  4. Thanks so much for this lovely message this morning!

    We are all working to demonstrate Christian Science in our own lives, on our own paths. Everyone has challenges of different sorts, and different extremities. Relying on God takes place on so many levels, in so many ways! It’s a complete lifestyle. As was made clear in the lesson on Christian Science a few weeks ago, healing sickness is wonderful, but the main purpose is spiritual growth – a.k.a. reforming sin.

    After leaving Christian Science, I developed severe health issues. Upon returning to it, I’d hoped they’d all disappear completely, quickly! Unfortunately that wasn’t the case. However, I am so grateful for the enormous amount of progress I have made – and continue to make – even in the face of additional aggressive challenges. It’s a real blessing that I’m now able to help others in some ways!

  5. Your title, “Do what you can demonstrate,” is quite a call!

    What can I demonstrate right now?
    That God, my Father/Mother, is infinite Love? So every thought I have must be infinitely loving?
    That God is Spirit? What do I do about that?
    Know spiritually, think spiritually, act spiritually (no limits!), and most important, see spiritually.

    That I am God’s own image? then everything I own must be God’s.

    We can go on and on. What a day.

  6. Yes, this is so important! Thanks, Evan! Everyone is at different levels in their understanding of Christian Science and one of the most important things is – we need to watch that we don’t judge others according to our understanding! I know Christian Scientists who go to Church and get health check ups with a medical doctor. I know Christian Scientists who use Novocain at the dentist’s office. I know Christian Scientists who go to Chiropractors, I know Christian Scientists who wear glasses, contacts and hearing aids……and on and on. We can only demonstrate what we understand and it’s okay to just Be where you’re At and to strive to continue growing!

  7. When we find it…
    Then we realize…
    It was always there…
    Within reach…
    We smile at ourselves
    and cry tears of

  8. Oh, and another thing we need to watch is Guilt and Shame for resorting to medical means when that was our highest sense of right at the time. We should never let ourselves feel guilty or let someone else or a C.S. Practitioner shame us for taking some human footsteps. Each one is free to choose for themselves in each individual case as to what means they want to use for Healing. As Mrs. Eddy says, God will still guide us in the right means if we don’t receive help in Christian Science for healing.

  9. This comes at a very needed time. Patience must have her perfect work even though we don’t see healing at once. Thanks one and all

  10. Just hit the target. So encouraging. and so helpful. This just dissolves discouragement so beautifully. Thank you

  11. It’s not that I’m trying to “makeover” what God has already created perfect,
    it.s more like trusting, and having faith …believing that God made me capable of praying until the “perfection of God’s creation” is revealed And, that’s what Spiritual healing means to me. Thank you, Evan and all….for this website
    and the daily inspiration it delivers each day.

  12. thank you Maximo for your poem.

    Thanks John, I agree what you say.

    And I think a big deal of compassion is needed.

    And I thank you very much, dear Evan for another great lesson in Christian Science, this time about compassion.
    When I study your today’s
    SpiritView, I feel warmly wrapped up in loving compassion

    Thank you all for lots of Inspiration

    1. Another truth sentence from Mary Baker Eddy
      in Science and Health on page 233 fits to this SpiritView:

      “…progress is the law of God,
      whose law demands of us only
      what we can certainly fulfil.”

      1. Thank you, Evan, and also Uta, whose consistent presence and comments always complement Spiritview for me.

  13. I come to this late (8pm here), and love both the encouraging message and the lovely responses to it. Max , your little poem is beautiful – send it to the Sentinel for publishing!

  14. This topic is much needed. Atlas compassion expressed and shared.
    I needed this. Thank you
    Now I see it in writing, moving forward
    Seems lighter, after all it is God who heals and He is indeed loving, compassionate, patient, non judgmental, loving and just loving unconditionally. Thank you Evan for being there for us strivers and thank you all.

  15. Thank you Evan and all who commented! This is so helpful. I plan to share it
    with family today. It is important that they know we just desire to share
    the good we receive, knowing it is free to all. No judgements, just sharing
    the love and joy it brings to everyone, no exceptions, at all times and under all
    circumstances! Thank you again and again!! <3

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