Do what you can

September 15, 2017 | 15 comments

“Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time, and always start with the person nearest you.”

~ Mother Teresa

15 thoughts on “Do what you can”

  1. Wow! What a great statement by a woman who helped countless thousands, even hundreds of thousands, or even millions!

    It’s like the adage, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

    Don’t be overwhelmed; do what’s at hand. All else will follow. I’ve been working a lot with this idea. As we talked about earlier, focus on serving God, listen for what God wants you to do, then do it – and all else will fall into place.

    Now, to put that into action consistently! That’s the moment by moment task.

  2. Thank you Evan, and thank you Ellen! 🙂

    Now I know what to do before to decide what to do next – listen for God`s guidance and give everybody coming my way a friendly and loving smile; and may be a helping hand when needed.

  3. Thank you! We are in hurricane damaged Florida but truly blessed with great neighbors all helping each other. This quote is so appropriate anytime but especially for us right now. Thanks so much for your daily posts.

  4. Thank you! We are in hurricane damaged Florida but truly blessed with great neighbors all helping each other. This quote is so appropriate anytime but especially for us right now. Thanks so much for your daily posts.

  5. I spoke with a friend in Florida that had to flee his house with his family. He and his family, like many families, loaded their most valuable possessions into their car worried they might be destroyed. They stayed in a Marriott that night and the next morning woke up to several police cars in the parking lot. That night, 6 cars had been broken into and many items stolen. His was one of them. Although there are some that are doing the wrong thing, it made me realize just how important those are that are doing the right thing. What a difference they make in people’s lives.

    It can be discouraging to look at the material scene but when you look at everyone helping each other – the community working together regardless of race, religion, state lines or even country lines (Thank you for your help Mexico so glad we don’t have a wall so you could come help us), species, gender or any other human convention, it is a beautiful thing.

  6. Thank you all, but especially Kirsten. Well said! Love abounds, we just have to see it. I too was grateful to hear of Mexico’s loving help.

  7. Oh yes, now I know why Evan gave us the loving utterance from Mother Theresa today.

    I am ashamed when I read the comments from Kathy and Kirsten, that I cannot help more. But I can pray for all in need out there, knowing almighty and all loving God is also out there to supply them and hold them in His sheltering arms.

    Am grateful to read that the people out there are helping each other lovingly! Thank you God, that you are Love 🙂

  8. Oh yes, dear Kirsten, I have much compassion for all those God´s beloved children out there. And love to pray for them all! 🙂

    But I think luckyly I am not the only one having compassion for our brothers and sisters out there and praying for them; there are a lot of prayers going out to them, you can be very sure about that!

    Love and hugs 🙂

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