Do you have a spiritual outlook?

February 3, 2016 | 16 comments

“Life and goodness are immortal. Let us then shape our views of existence into loveliness, freshness, and continuity, rather than into age and blight.”

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 246

What is shaping your view of existence today? Mortality or immortality? It’s a healthy question to ask because your view outlines your experience. And if your present view is discouraging, you can change it. You are a free moral agent to drop any demoralized picture and replace it with an inspired immortal picture.

Life is good! Life is God, with boundless freedom to experience all the blessings of God to the fullest just as fast as you’re ready and willing to receive them. But like driving your car to a destination, you have to keep your mental eye on the place you’d like to drive to in order to get there.

To experience the blessings of Life, we need to keep our mental eye on Life! We can’t let it slip to mental images of sin, disease and death which lead to age and blight.

In the quote from Eddy above, she reminds us to keep our view fixed on the immortal, on that which is lovely, fresh and continuous. It takes commitment on our part to succeed in following this instruction because the human mind seems to constantly argue for the opposite. But we can be wiser! We can take a stand against mortal mind. We can refuse to accept its impoverished view of life, and stick to the immortal, the good and the true.

So, be honest with your thoughts today. Are you seeing Life and accepting its blessings? Are you expecting loveliness in your day? Are you working for fresh inspiration? Are you striving for goals that have an enduring and good effect? If so, your view of existence is positive, uplifted and healing. It is spiritual, and it will take you to a healthy happy place.

16 thoughts on “Do you have a spiritual outlook?”

  1. Thank you Evan! I’ve realized recently how pervasive the view of mortality is in society. For example, the average human:

    – starts out as a child looking forward to graduating from school to get a job

    – then looks forward to retiring from their job to take it easy and “enjoy life”

    – then at some point starts looking forward to death to “escape” old age

    How much better life would be if everyone expected immortality and then lived life from that perspective. With an immortal viewpoint we would want to always continue:

    – learning new things

    – contributing to society through either a job or volunteering to help others

    – enjoying every moment of now, and

    – looking forward to unceasing love, joy, and happiness now, and forever!

  2. Thank you, Evan! What a Wonderful goal to…..”Keep your minds so filled with Truth and Love…..” And Brian, your comments are so inspiring and appreciated. Thank You!

  3. Evan’s post and Brian’s comment are commendable. The picture , or image we have, really determines our experience. So if we continue to see, or have good/ immortal picture; we’ll invariably continue to see or have good/ immortal experience. This implies that the RIGHT image, picture, thought process, perception, or perspective; will give birth to the RIGHT outcome or experience. It is equivalent to reaping what we sow. The Holy Bible says, the way a man thinketh in his heart , so is he. If you think or believe someone hates you, the person would seemingly act like an enemy to you. If you embrace all in, or with ,love; you receive love in return. Finally, whatever (like error,fear,sin,pain, disease, death, etc.)we consider as nothing ; becomes nothing in reality. And whatever (e.g. life, truth, love, hope, confidence, good health, purity, etc.) we consider as something or true, becomes something in realty.

  4. Love this post! It is a great reminder to constantly check where your thinking is and what thoughts you’re letting into your thinking. Are you “standing porter at the door of thought?” How are you taking in the events happening around you? Today’s post really aligns with a quote I have been giving a lot of thought to this past week. “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so (Shakespeare).” What we think is what we are going to experience. I realized the other night that this quote is not just limited to good or bad, but any emotion. If you think that a situation or event is going to be awkward or embarrassing, that is what you’re going to experience. Therefore if we want to have a happy, joyous, loving, harmonious experience, then that is what we must fill our thinking with. Most importantly though, we must sit back and let God lead the way. He has everything under control! Really, he does.

  5. This lesson would make a wonderful billboard for life. So much food for thought! Thank you Evan and all the wonderful responders too. I think the older one gets the harder it is to handle
    certain things. Today’s lesson certainly was most helpful!

  6. Thanks so much Evan and everyone who has commented. This is just what I needed this morning as I seem to be suffering from the effects of shoveling a lot of snow yesterday after a very restless night. The belief of aging can be so aggressive. After listening to the Wednesday testimony meeting from The Mother Church this morning, I’ll read this inspiring SpiritView again.

  7. Great start for every day. Thank you Evan. And thank you to Brian and Heather – right on comments. All keepers.

  8. I remember the first time I was told that reality was good. I had learned that life was managing evil, like so many people. I know that the beliefs we have held often get more subtle as we reveal them and sometimes very loud when error is exposed. I know where I want to live, experience is showing me there is much to see in my thought but it is constant prayer that is my work every day and might.

  9. Evan, It is all about our point of view. But what about those incidents that happen or seem to happen out of nowhere, an accident, an incident, a world event beyond our control? This is where “Handling Animal Magnetism” comes in handy. What could change our perspective? Nothing because the immortal perspective is based on life in God and that is the only reality. So when an accident, incident or bad world event occurs we need to remain vigilant in thought and remember to handle the serpent that is talking to us and telling us the life is mortal and subject to all sorts of bad things. No no no we need to disagree and know why we can disagree. We need to study the law of divine Principle, Love to understand that God does not create any bad events and would never create accidents or injurious incidents. Here we go! We will fight the good fight like a world class MMA fighter and win.

  10. Now I think that the advice that I received from Evan a couple of weeks ago, I am beginning to understand the importance of following. On that blog, I brought out my frustration of not revealing what C/S is teaching as to other religions saying we have the best yet. My comment was erased because it was too bigoted and didn’t inspire. Our main job is to inspire not condemn which I was doing with the idea that would inspire. A spiritual outlook is to accept the bibical statement that all things work together for good to them that love God, which every one is doing in proportion to their relationship to God and their understanding at that moment of that relationship. To simplify what I just wrote. All of us have a spatula outlook and it grows, matures, and finally succeeds.

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