Do you know your worth?

February 5, 2013 | 7 comments

Has anyone tried to talk you down, make you feel less of a person, or worked to make you feel small? It’s important that you know your worth so you don’t sell yourself short.
Here’s a case in point:
A gem dealer was strolling the aisles at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show when he noticed a blue-violet stone the size and shape of a potato. He looked it over, then as calmly as possible, asked the vendor, “You want $15 for this?” The seller, realizing the rock wasn’t as pretty as others in the bin, lowered the price to $10.
The stone has since been certified as a 1,905-carat natural star sapphire, about 800 carats larger than the largest stone of its kind. It was appraised at $2.28 million.*
You are a beloved child of God, precious beyond any material price or compare.  Know your worth, and don’t accept bids for less.
*Story from, 1001 Quotes, Illustrations & Humorous Stories, by Edward Rowell.

7 thoughts on “Do you know your worth?”

  1. For many years, I have said that no one hates me as much as I hate myself. Despite professional success and an incredibly loving family, I have let taunts and slights that were directed to me in kindergarten(!) and in high school color my whole thought of myself. And I’m now in my 60s!! Christian Science has helped me to slowly come away from all that. I still have to work to remember what God thinks of me and because the other response is so automatic. But when I remember God, life is so much better.

  2. Thank you Evan. And thank you to the anonymous commenter. I too have held on to slights from childhood (the “I hate the {my name} club”) and I’m in my 50s! But definitely yes, whenever that memory comes up I think about how much God loves me and “my enemies” and it really helps.

  3. I was born with Cerebral Palsy and really had to fight to realize my worth. I had a very loving farther and mother that never allowed me to get depressed because of it, and I accomplished my goals in life in spite of the so-called handicap. I say this to all who have a handicap of some sort. “No matter what Mortal Mind sees, all things work together for good to them that love God.” This truth I learned in C/S.

  4. To all readers,

    One of you investigated the gem story further and found evidence that the gem was overvalued by an unscrupulous appraiser. It was evidently worth many thousands of dollars rather than a couple of million. But I figure the moral of this blog still stands and remains unchanged. Know your worth! It’s precious.

  5. Another great analogy! Thanks, Evan!

    Yep, low-self-esteem is a meanie…tryies to color
    every relationship or even conversation for the folks that identify with is, consciously or unconsciously. I know about this. I saw through the illusion years ago, but it still tempts me now and then. And SO unsupported with facts, even the human “facts,” as I have many accomplishments, etc. But so much more unsupported by the divine FACTS: we are the loved of Love! ALL human beliefs need to be expunged, especially this one!!


  6. This is a timely blog Evan. I certainly am stronger this time claiming my worth as the image and likeness of Spirit, God [Genesis 1:26]. I listened a little bit from YouTube a discussion that goes like this; that we either stand for Evolution or Creation. It came to me that if I observe and fear dysfunction of the physical body it would be mixing the concept of evolution with my claim of man as spiritual with God as the only Creator. I am working towards the joy of claiming my true worth. Thank you again!

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