Do you prejudge others?

November 23, 2010 | 4 comments

Do you judge others before they even open their mouth and say anything? Do you evaluate them without knowing anything about them?  Are you guilty of judging others unfairly or incorrectly?

Eilsha Goldstein wrote a short and quick piece to read on

“Seeing the person: 4 steps to ending judgmental thoughts”

He makes some good suggestions.

The ultimate cure for judging erroneously is to judge spiritually. God made us all good. See and know that truth before you meet the next person coming your way!

4 thoughts on “Do you prejudge others?”

  1. Wow!
    That is interesting. Like something you’ve known but have never put into words. That feeling of not belonging is clearly behind every act of insatiability/craving….thinking we need something we don’t have and looking for it in food or relationships…
    This is a good way to start the day! Thanks.

  2. Thanks, Evan. I shared this cool article with others. I have a few comments…

    1. How timely to have this post today, with Thanksgiving (in the USA) only 2 days away. I think of the essence of this article and how it relates to holiday gatherings where strangers may come together for a meal. Lesson: don’t judge a book/person by its cover.

    2. Then, also relating to the holidays, actually every day,the need to reach out to others and help them feel like they belong whether by invitation to a gathering, a home- cooked meal delivered to that cranky neighbor who might be alone, etc.

    3. About 15 years ago a researcher looked at why students may or may not be successful in college. A big reason for that success is not
    necessarily related to how well they succeed academically. It was whether they felt they belonged and mattered. I believe her work involved the Mattering Scale. Anyhow, as a community college professor, I found great food for thought to apply to my work and to my life.

    We ALL matter! Otherwise, God would not have created us!

    Bless you, Evan, for following that divine impulsion and creating this timely blogspot!

    Mary in Snowy Seattle

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