Do you realize your need?

April 1, 2013 | 3 comments

I was struck by the below translation from the New Living Translation Bible of the first beatitude:

“God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.” Matthew 5:3, NLT


The first question I asked was, “Do I realize my need for God?”


Do you realize your need for God?


It’s too easy for the human mind to ignore God.


The mortal mind gets all wrapped up into its ego-world of satisfying selfish wants, gratifying sensual desires and pursuing materialistic goals, that Spirit is soon forgotten, seen as irrelevant, and left behind. A mortal acts like he is a god unto himself.


But what a mistake that is.


Like the prodigal son taking his father’s wealth and squandering it without regard to moral or spiritual demands, and then ending up with nothing, all sole mortal-seeking heads down the same route. The final resting point for the lusts of the flesh is emptiness and darkness.


But Jesus Christ knew a better way. He taught his followers to seek happiness and wealth in Spirit, where the good you possess can never be taken from you. The home of enduring life and joy, he called heaven.


But to find the bounty of heaven, one needs to seek it. One needs to be “poor,” as Jesus said. Poor, meaning, poor in pride, ego, self-righteousness and all the other self-absorbed and selfish characteristics of mortal mind that ignore God.


It’s okay to have money. But it’s not okay to make it a god.


Are you poor in the right ways that enable you to realize your need of God? I ask myself. Are you consciously aware, every day that you need God? Do you seek God’s help first before you try to figure it out on your own?


Without God, we are nothing. God is our All-in-all. God is our Spirit, our Soul, our Life, Truth, and Love. Every right and wise idea comes from God. Every impulse to act in the right way comes from God. Every breath and strength of life comes from God. Without God, life starts to feel empty, dark, desolate, boring and even pointless.


Blessed are those who realize their need of God, for they shall find God! And the kingdom of Heaven is theirs.


3 thoughts on “Do you realize your need?”

  1. I looked up the meaning of “POOR” in the Merriam Webster Dictionary. One of the meanings is “A lack of MATERIAL possessions.” The poor in spirit is the opposite. It means an abundance in spiritual wealth. One who has an abundance of spiritual wealth already has what one needs for success, health and happiness in both worlds, material and spiritual, lacking nothing.

  2. Thank you for this clear and helpful message, Evan. What a good reminder that God cannot be forgotten since divine Spirit is All and forever present and therefore everyone’s I AM. Any supposed or imposed opposite needs to be rejected in order to open for the streams of Love in individual consciousness. A great outlook!

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