Don’t blame God

October 20, 2011 | 3 comments

There’s a temptation among some in the world to blame God for disease and suffering. This false accusation stems from a misunderstanding of God.

God only causes good to happen. God is good, and when one enters into a consciousness of infinite goodness, suffering and disease disappear.
However, a doubter might argue, “But you say God is omnipotent, all-powerful. How can an all-powerful God of Love allow suffering and disease to exist?”
And the question is a good one…
I have found my peace about the question in my study of Christian Science.
In Christian Science, one learns that the whole experience of life in matter is part of the dream of existence apart from God. Disease, suffering, pain, and death, are part of this dream. As long as thought abides in the dream, it experiences, to some degree, the evil effects of that dream. Christ came to lead the way out of the dream, to reveal life in Spirit, where pain, disease and death do not exist. And we need to faithfully follow Christ to make our own demonstration of life in Spirit.
When disease and death happen in the human experience, it does not deny the reality of God’s omnipotence. It signifies the need to get further out of the mortal dream of life in matter, to stop entertaining the lies, to go to Truth like Jesus did, and wake up to reality.
God always reigns supreme, and no one ever dies. Even when they think they do, they still don’t. They find themselves alive and moving on. But it’s important to understand that God is never at fault so that one doesn’t draw wrong conclusions. It’s mortal mind that is at fault when evil seems to happen. Evil is mortal mind entertaining its own false beliefs about a power apart from God. But this so-called power is not a truth. It’s a dream, and everyone eventually wakes up from a dream. Truth ensures it.
So, don’t blame God for suffering. Blame the guilty party—mortal mind!  And side with the victor over all—Truth.

3 thoughts on “Don’t blame God”

  1. Wow! Thank you so much. This is the most clear articulation of how to address this misconception that I’ve ever read. It’s how I feel, but now I can see the language that makes it more easily understood. I especially like the part that you say – …the whole experience of life in matter is part of the dream of existence apart from God.
    Many thanks to you for all of your offerings of daily bread to us, what a support and feeling of family.
    With deep gratitude to you.

  2. great article. Many people don’t realize that when they dream at night it is as vivid as daytime experience. I’ve discovered it to be so through some effort. Would we blame God when something terrible happens in a dream and wake up and realize it’s a dream? Not usually – we just shrug it off as an imaginary experience- or as something our mind created- which is the case for the most part…thanks.Dean Wolfe

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