Thank you Evan for the interesting but very true thought for today. Easy things lead to things left undone that need to be done, hard things test our sincerity in overcoming trials and tasks perhaps not our favorite ones to do but need to be done. I remember from a children’s story the following: – Mrs. Do as you would be done by, and Mrs. be done by as you would. I think now that must have been a take on the “Golden rule” for children to understand. That is the task of daily life that often seems hard to practice, but rewording when we do.
Wishing all a very joyous New Year.
Grateful to learn about Mrs. Do and Mrs. Be DONE. . . . timed just right for my adult daughter, who’s on track with the opposite belief, but found stuck on the track. The Golden Rule, understood is simply clear, as you’ve related. A transparent direction, clearly stated, way to get “ON TRACK”, after slipping off or stalling when ONE COULD BE soaring!
Thank you so very much Suzie H, with a dose of appreciation for your contribution..
Thank you for this uplifting inspiration. A few thoughts that correspond to this
inspiring message and sweet graphic..
“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere
and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles” – Christopher Reeve
(and do not know who authored),
“You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one”. and …
“Don’t stumble over something behind you.”
With Christian Science, we have the knowledge that overcomes any obstacle. With
the help of a spiritual viewpoint, our challenges are boosted up with the moving
forward of divine Mind’s guidance and help, and our future is not determined by our
past, but propelled by our hope and faith in God’s dear Love. With the new year
approaching, this spiritual viewpoint is such a blessing and I thank you, Evan, and all
who help me to see things in this light.
“With God all things are possible”, so perhaps the notion that some things are hard and others easy is simply a temptation to believe that God isn’t always available to meet our every need. Today’s post reminds me of the story of Elisha and the leper Naaman, who was expecting the great prophet to do some “great thing“ to heal him. Instead, the simple, humble, “easy” act of washing in the river Jordan was all that was required. I suppose the “hard thing” in this case was for Naaman to be meek, and to trust.
Thank you Evan for these daily nuggets of wisdom and love. Such a blessing!
I’m sorry, but I only have a pdf version of this article. It can be challenging 🙂 to read from an iPhone, but is perfect to read on a laptop. I can’t seem to find the original article to attach for those with subscriptions, so if anyone is interested in attaching it.
Thank you very much dear J for the link to that really wonderful and absolute helpful article. I read it shortly before changing into the new year 2025. It was a spiritual delight to read it!
I’m also so very grateful for all the inspiring comments from you all SpiritView friends! In this moment it is exactly 12 h midnight changing to the New year. Happy New Year with much progress to all!!! ❤️
This very helpful article came across perfectly on my desktop. Thank you, J , for
sharing it. From the article that I found most supportive,
“Destroy the -thought- of sin, sickness, death, and you destroy their existence”
(Mrs. Eddy). That’s what the Christ-Consciousness does. … the glory of divine
Love is the -Eternal- presence of Love, individually expressed.”
This seems to be a hurdle I am striving to overcome with seeing dear friends’
passing to another realm of consciousness that we can not see from “here”.
Yesterday I just found out that someone I had known had passed on two years
ago and also a former neighbor several years ago, whom as a child, I used to
be very close to.. These passings, along with others, has been an ongoing
challenge to see them as perfect in God’s Love and not as mortals with “ending”
lives. Changing to a spiritual concept of their lives seems to be a challenge not
to be feared, but to be accepted in growth of seeing Reality of -Eternal- Life.
Dear L, (and Evan), Thank you for sharing that indeed helpful article.
I was able to open the whole article, being I Still had the Free article
access for the month, being I don’t subscribe. LOL The entire article
was helpful, but I particularly liked, “The material dream of life in
matter ends with all its sin, disease, death, but our individuality in
Spirit has no start or finish. It’s forever perfect, held safe in God’s
It is comforting to know that the love I had/have for the dear friends
and relatives, who have passed and that they had for me – continues
on into the for-everness of God’s/Love’s presence, which is omni-present.
Very good point Kathy, the idea of things being too hard and feeling discouraged about it sounds like a form of error. When we remember that we are not a personal doer in anything, that it is God who is THE ONLY doer, we can let go of that stress and burden. “ …for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” (2 Chron 20:15).
Happy New Year to my dear SV travelers, together in Spirit and friendship.
I’d said polio was overcome .. believing and strengthening faith …
adding with certainty, yet the physical hasn’t demonstrated the
to stand porter to the door …that yesterdays are over, only truly existed in Spirit , as this weeks lesson speaks of..
this article .. Healing with Certainty.. thank you very much.
It completely resonates through and beyond the mist.
Thank you…. there’s no tomorrow, to think “It”… might happen. Now is
the New Testament ,..The Happy New Year unveiling….forever engaging Truth and freedom…
Dominion over All, Wonderful is the Birth of Spirit..
… nothing born of the flesh, to have, house, make room for what isn’t Real.. disease sin or death
Get Real.. an old Hippy phrase,
…..We already are…Happy New Year!
From Daniel Jensen: “Only from this basis are we willing to accept the rules of earth’s preparatory school as reasonable: to study the spiritual facts carefully, and then see the daily problems and challenges we face not as curses, but as a means of applying these facts. Mrs. Eddy reminds us, “A danger besets thy path? — a spiritual behest, in reversion, awaits you.” So any “danger” that we confront, any “problem,” is not what it appears to be. Rather than inharmony, sickness, lack, loneliness, or fear it becomes, by reversal, an opportunity to gain a better sense of accord, health, abundance, peace, and security.”
Also, “I realize I can do more for myself by learning more about God’s nature than by fixating on a condition He knows nothing about.”
Thank you so much for the article and the quote from Daniel Jensen, J. You do such a good job of supplying us with articles and quotes that support the excellent thoughts Evan gives us. I do appreciate them all. I also appreciate all the contributions from all the readers of this blog. A blessed and happy new year is wished you all.
Hi Martine. I typed the quote, but unfortunately, didn’t reference to myself which article it came from. However, I’m guessing it’s from one of the articles under “Articles and Talks”:
Thank you, J, for the link to Mr. Jensen’s website. Appreciate it very much. “I can do more for myself by learning about God’s nature than from fixating on a condition He knows nothing about.” Powerful reminder. Thank you, Evan, for another year of valuable spiritual insights. Here is to continued growth spiritward in the coming year. Happy 2025 to all.
You don’t need to fear the challenge when armed with the universal answer …..thank you MBE and thank you Evan and all the Spirit Viewers…we’re all holding hands with divine Love.
Happy good filled year everyone❣️
I am so grateful for the Spiritview website and the wonderful posts we get from Evan as well as the posts from all the viewers. It is sometimes so helpful to see the ideas of Christian Science represented in different and understandable ways. I am so grateful for the many articles referenced too! Always helpful.
This post reminds me of the statement from Science and Health, Page 89:18. ” Mind is not necessarily dependent upon educational processes. It possesses of itself all beauty and poetry and the power of expressing them.” and further, “We are all capable of more than we do.”
I did a search for “GOD CAN”. on Evan’s home page of Spiritview on the right side of the page. Here’s the link to a Spiritview post from this year, that I thought fits in with today’s post, “God Can”
Thank you, dear Evan, for the sweet drawing up here!
Your SV sounds so simple., but it is profound in it’s spiritual meaning!
Many comments here are very helpful to understand this SV. Thank you, dear Barbara for your so loving comment and I fully agree !
And thank you too, dear Carol for your inspiring and loving comment.
And here are many other very helpful comments!
Am very grateful for this healing and blessing SpiritView Blog! Lots of Love to you all! ❤️
Thank you Evan for the interesting but very true thought for today. Easy things lead to things left undone that need to be done, hard things test our sincerity in overcoming trials and tasks perhaps not our favorite ones to do but need to be done. I remember from a children’s story the following: – Mrs. Do as you would be done by, and Mrs. be done by as you would. I think now that must have been a take on the “Golden rule” for children to understand. That is the task of daily life that often seems hard to practice, but rewording when we do.
Wishing all a very joyous New Year.
Grateful to learn about Mrs. Do and Mrs. Be DONE. . . . timed just right for my adult daughter, who’s on track with the opposite belief, but found stuck on the track. The Golden Rule, understood is simply clear, as you’ve related. A transparent direction, clearly stated, way to get “ON TRACK”, after slipping off or stalling when ONE COULD BE soaring!
Thank you so very much Suzie H, with a dose of appreciation for your contribution..
Thanks, we do and be done leaves us space for the challenges!
Thank you for this uplifting inspiration. A few thoughts that correspond to this
inspiring message and sweet graphic..
“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere
and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles” – Christopher Reeve
(and do not know who authored),
“You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one”. and …
“Don’t stumble over something behind you.”
With Christian Science, we have the knowledge that overcomes any obstacle. With
the help of a spiritual viewpoint, our challenges are boosted up with the moving
forward of divine Mind’s guidance and help, and our future is not determined by our
past, but propelled by our hope and faith in God’s dear Love. With the new year
approaching, this spiritual viewpoint is such a blessing and I thank you, Evan, and all
who help me to see things in this light.
“With God all things are possible”, so perhaps the notion that some things are hard and others easy is simply a temptation to believe that God isn’t always available to meet our every need. Today’s post reminds me of the story of Elisha and the leper Naaman, who was expecting the great prophet to do some “great thing“ to heal him. Instead, the simple, humble, “easy” act of washing in the river Jordan was all that was required. I suppose the “hard thing” in this case was for Naaman to be meek, and to trust.
Thank you Evan for these daily nuggets of wisdom and love. Such a blessing!
Wonderful & helpful Spiritview today ( as always)!
Thank you Evan and all comments !
When challenges appear too hard, and we don’t feel we have what it takes…
“Healing with certainty” by Janet Clements, from the August 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal:
I’m sorry, but I only have a pdf version of this article. It can be challenging 🙂 to read from an iPhone, but is perfect to read on a laptop. I can’t seem to find the original article to attach for those with subscriptions, so if anyone is interested in attaching it.
Thank you, J. Does this help? ♥️
Thank you Cheryl! xo
Thank you very much dear J for the link to that really wonderful and absolute helpful article. I read it shortly before changing into the new year 2025. It was a spiritual delight to read it!
I’m also so very grateful for all the inspiring comments from you all SpiritView friends! In this moment it is exactly 12 h midnight changing to the New year. Happy New Year with much progress to all!!! ❤️
This very helpful article came across perfectly on my desktop. Thank you, J , for
sharing it. From the article that I found most supportive,
“Destroy the -thought- of sin, sickness, death, and you destroy their existence”
(Mrs. Eddy). That’s what the Christ-Consciousness does. … the glory of divine
Love is the -Eternal- presence of Love, individually expressed.”
This seems to be a hurdle I am striving to overcome with seeing dear friends’
passing to another realm of consciousness that we can not see from “here”.
Yesterday I just found out that someone I had known had passed on two years
ago and also a former neighbor several years ago, whom as a child, I used to
be very close to.. These passings, along with others, has been an ongoing
challenge to see them as perfect in God’s Love and not as mortals with “ending”
lives. Changing to a spiritual concept of their lives seems to be a challenge not
to be feared, but to be accepted in growth of seeing Reality of -Eternal- Life.
Dear Angel, I found this article on life by Evan very helpful. Love, L*1ia5qly*_ga*MjAyNTg0MDkyMC4xNzMzMjk1MDM1*_ga_82T1KK2N0J*MTczNTY4OTg2NC41OC4xLjE3MzU2OTAxNzMuMC4wLjA.
Dear L, (and Evan), Thank you for sharing that indeed helpful article.
I was able to open the whole article, being I Still had the Free article
access for the month, being I don’t subscribe. LOL The entire article
was helpful, but I particularly liked, “The material dream of life in
matter ends with all its sin, disease, death, but our individuality in
Spirit has no start or finish. It’s forever perfect, held safe in God’s
It is comforting to know that the love I had/have for the dear friends
and relatives, who have passed and that they had for me – continues
on into the for-everness of God’s/Love’s presence, which is omni-present.
Love it…and the above picture too. Thank you Evan and all and Happy 2025! Of course….many blessings!
For me, the hard things are easier when knowing Who is DOING the doing. ❤️
Very good point Kathy, the idea of things being too hard and feeling discouraged about it sounds like a form of error. When we remember that we are not a personal doer in anything, that it is God who is THE ONLY doer, we can let go of that stress and burden. “ …for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” (2 Chron 20:15).
Happy New Year to my dear SV travelers, together in Spirit and friendship.
I’d said polio was overcome .. believing and strengthening faith …
adding with certainty, yet the physical hasn’t demonstrated the
to stand porter to the door …that yesterdays are over, only truly existed in Spirit , as this weeks lesson speaks of..
this article .. Healing with Certainty.. thank you very much.
It completely resonates through and beyond the mist.
Thank you…. there’s no tomorrow, to think “It”… might happen. Now is
the New Testament ,..The Happy New Year unveiling….forever engaging Truth and freedom…
Dominion over All, Wonderful is the Birth of Spirit..
… nothing born of the flesh, to have, house, make room for what isn’t Real.. disease sin or death
Get Real.. an old Hippy phrase,
…..We already are…Happy New Year!
From Daniel Jensen: “Only from this basis are we willing to accept the rules of earth’s preparatory school as reasonable: to study the spiritual facts carefully, and then see the daily problems and challenges we face not as curses, but as a means of applying these facts. Mrs. Eddy reminds us, “A danger besets thy path? — a spiritual behest, in reversion, awaits you.” So any “danger” that we confront, any “problem,” is not what it appears to be. Rather than inharmony, sickness, lack, loneliness, or fear it becomes, by reversal, an opportunity to gain a better sense of accord, health, abundance, peace, and security.”
Also, “I realize I can do more for myself by learning more about God’s nature than by fixating on a condition He knows nothing about.”
Thank you so much for the article and the quote from Daniel Jensen, J. You do such a good job of supplying us with articles and quotes that support the excellent thoughts Evan gives us. I do appreciate them all. I also appreciate all the contributions from all the readers of this blog. A blessed and happy new year is wished you all.
You’re so welcome Pat W. Thank you for the new year wishes. Wishing everyone in the SV family a blessed new year too.
Thank you Evan, great thought as usual.
J that’s a very helpfull quote, I would like to read more, could you give the reference, please ?
Hi Martine. I typed the quote, but unfortunately, didn’t reference to myself which article it came from. However, I’m guessing it’s from one of the articles under “Articles and Talks”:
Thank you so very much dear J !
Thank you, J, for the link to Mr. Jensen’s website. Appreciate it very much. “I can do more for myself by learning about God’s nature than from fixating on a condition He knows nothing about.” Powerful reminder. Thank you, Evan, for another year of valuable spiritual insights. Here is to continued growth spiritward in the coming year. Happy 2025 to all.
Martine – You can Google it and you get a whole load of quotes on thi subject
It is headed;
“The Quote Garden ™
Quotations about Doing Hard Things
is this what you were wanting/

Thank you for your help Maggie, I will try this.
You don’t need to fear the challenge when armed with the universal answer …..thank you MBE and thank you Evan and all the Spirit Viewers…we’re all holding hands with divine Love.
Happy good filled year everyone❣️
I am so grateful for the Spiritview website and the wonderful posts we get from Evan as well as the posts from all the viewers. It is sometimes so helpful to see the ideas of Christian Science represented in different and understandable ways. I am so grateful for the many articles referenced too! Always helpful.
This post reminds me of the statement from Science and Health, Page 89:18. ” Mind is not necessarily dependent upon educational processes. It possesses of itself all beauty and poetry and the power of expressing them.” and further, “We are all capable of more than we do.”
I did a search for “GOD CAN”. on Evan’s home page of Spiritview on the right side of the page. Here’s the link to a Spiritview post from this year, that I thought fits in with today’s post, “God Can”
So grateful!
Thank you, dear Evan, for the sweet drawing up here!
Your SV sounds so simple., but it is profound in it’s spiritual meaning!
Many comments here are very helpful to understand this SV. Thank you, dear Barbara for your so loving comment and I fully agree !
And thank you too, dear Carol for your inspiring and loving comment.
And here are many other very helpful comments!
Am very grateful for this healing and blessing SpiritView Blog! Lots of Love to you all! ❤️