Don’t fear opinion

May 23, 2012 | 6 comments


Do you ever get tense, anxious, fearful, or angry when other people vent opinions contrary to what you believe?
Millions of people in this world hold billions of opinions on topics of all persuasions, from politics to religion to social expectations to environmental causes to whether UFOs have visited earth. And many people are not shy about sharing their opinions with the rest of us, even forcefully!
But none of them should get you upset, bothered or anxious. Why? Because they are only opinion, and “In Christian Science mere opinion is valueless,” Mary Baker Eddy reminded her readers.  (Science and Health, page 341:11)
What is Truth? is the question of prime importance.
If we get upset over what people voice, our thinking gets cloudy, confused, off balance and even lost. It’s difficult to discern between right and wrong and come up with a thoughtful reply when we’re fighting anger, fear or resentment.
So, when faced with a barrage of opinion contrary to your beliefs, fear not. Stay calm. Separate fact from fiction. Thoughtfully glean any grains of truth there are in what you hear, let go of the rest, share your own wisdom if possible, and move on peacefully. Truth always has the final say.
God’s opinion is the one that counts.

6 thoughts on “Don’t fear opinion”

  1. Thank you so much Evan! Just the healing thoughts I needed to hear this morning. Love the fact that “God’s opinion is the one that counts.” Great inspiration to take with me today!

  2. Dear Evan, just like Rose, this is exactly what I needed so badly this week! These very thoughts had come to me when I prayed yesterday about my reaction to opinions. But, to see the same thoughts written in your blog, gives them even more momentum!

    Thank you so very much!

  3. Thank you, Evan, this is very encouraging. The best thing to do is to do one’s best and as Mary Baker Eddy stated: “this truth is, that we are to work out our own salvation, and to meet the responsibility of our own thoughts and acts;..” (from Christian Healing/Sermon p.5:20).

  4. I am not too good on identifying sea animals but I assume that the picture represents the “Seal of Approval”. I surely “approve” of the wonderful thoughts you shared. I have been working diligently, especially in the political scene, to understand that the the Lord is our Lawgiver, Judge and King as the Bible declares. It is all too easy to be “hypnotized” or duped into believing the hype and arguments regarding political candidates and to be drawn away from concentrating on true government. Thanks, as always.

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