Don’t let fear be a distraction

September 20, 2021 | 25 comments

Have you ever been focused on an important activity, but found your thought getting distracted by fear? If so, put fear into its proper place of having no power to influence your thinking.

There isn’t anything compulsory about fear. It’s never a requirement to be afraid. We are never helpless in the face of fear.

Fear is a false sensation of mortal mind that dissolves in the omnipresence of Love.

God governs man, not fear. God is omnipresent Love, an intelligent presence that guides, directs, helps, and heals under all circumstances.

You always have Love to feel, know and express!

Fear is nothing in the presence of Love, for in Love, there is nothing to fear.

When focused on Love, fear is not a distraction. It is a zero, a nada, a non-factor.

Stick with Love and prosper!

25 thoughts on “Don’t let fear be a distraction”

  1. Wonderful Evan, yet again you focus on the important…’there isn’t anything compulsory about fear….God governs man, NOT fear’
    This brings to mind John 14 v27
    ‘Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give unto you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled ,do not be afraid .’ What a perfect promise❣️

  2. Thank you so much Evan, I certainly can relate to this and am most grateful for the perfect thoughts to help correct those fear distractions!

  3. Fear is not part of our true nature as God made us and maintains us, for He hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7). A sound mind is intact, undisturbed, stable and peaceful. A sound mind is divine Mind, which we all share in and express. Thanks Evan and love to all the SpiritViewers!

      1. Thanks David, yes we were both receiving the same God message at the same time, very cool! Blessings to you.

        Daily Lifts are also free online at

        Bible lesson recording for each week can be listened to by phone in US at 323-805-8700, read by the first and second reader of the Mother Church, this phone line also has recording of a full week of Daily Lifts and the current Sentinel Watch podcast. So many wonderful resources to be be thankful for.

  4. II Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear: but of power, and love and a sound mind.”
    That verse attends many testimonies of Christian Science healing,
    This weeks lesson sermon on “Reality” brings a clear message of our spirituality.
    Each morning I must begin with the lesson from the full text version of the Quarterly.
    Then on to find the jewels that Evan has so graciously provided, Then other writings like “The Daily Lift” free each day by calling 1 617 450 3450 in the USA.
    Then on with another day to glorify God in all we say and do.
    Thank you once again dear Evan.

    1. Thank you, Angie! What an outstanding article! And thank you, Evan, for providing through God’s inspiration a daily feast.

  5. Can someone post the BIble Lens linked article titled, “New Insights from Bible pages” by John Moorhead. Normally the entire article is available but this time, it require a subscription to read it. Thanks.

  6. What a great topic Evan. Loving all the comments and the article by Angie. Thanks all. When fear is a distraction, I love to think of a previous vlog from Evan where he talks about airplanes circling and lumbering on the runway. Airplanes, like birds, are meant to be up in the air where they can soar; as it’s their best and most natural state. The same goes for our thinking. Fear tries hard to aggressively ground us, and wants to keep us there. Instead, it’s shifting and lifting thought to a higher vantage point by turning to divine Mind for what is really true. After all, fear is nothing more than an aggressive mental suggestion.

    1. Thank you, J, for this right-on article on aggressive mental suggestion. I find it very useful for the work we have to do continually since all of evil is aggressive mental suggestion. I love the comparison of our thought with the air planes and birds. Thank you Evan, Angie, and all contributors for your thoughts and good work. With so many fearful suggestions apparent in the nation and world today, this guidance to prevent distraction by them is so helpful.

  7. This past weekend there was a memorial service for my aunt at which I was to give a eulogy in her honor. For most of my adult life the fear of public speaking has been an aggressive suggestion that has argued to me incessantly when this type of situation presented itself. Through much prayer it came to me that it is time to put an end to this imposition on love! As Evan says, when focused on Love, fear is not a distraction. It is a zero, a nada, a non-factor. And I did stick to this affirmation of love and dismissal of fear. Every time mortal mind argued it’s claims of inadequacy and nervousness, I firmly declared “get thee hence!!!” And guess what,- I delivered my talk with calmness, poise, confidence, and love. So gratifying. It was a healing I will cherish.

    1. Linda, glad to hear of your lovely healing of fear through resting in Love and sending evil thoughts “hence.’ I found a definition of hence in its biblical meaning is “away from here.” Error thoughts have no power here (here meaning everywhere God is, which is everywhere).

  8. Whenever it seems we have somehow changed from our normal very good self, to something not so good, REMEMBER, false appearances can’t change the FACT that we, like our Maker, are harmonious, immortal AND immutable inside and out! FEEL Christ restoring us to our authentic Be-ing, just as Jesus restored so many others long ago. When we hold God’s perfect man in thought, as Jesus did, refusing to be distracted, any so-called changes from our original perfection will be demonstrated as mere disappearing false perceptions. YES, Mind is even now revealing only what is good and true, thus we cannot REALly know otherwise! Just as we remain undistracted by distorted views appearing in darkness, the light of Truth frees us from fear (false evidence appearing real/ forgetting everything about reality) and keeps us undistracted by any false views of ourselves.

  9. From Mary Baker Eddy ~~
    Science saith to fear, “You are the cause of all sickness; but you are a self-constituted falsity, — you are darkness, nothingness. You are without ‘hope, and without God in the world.’ You do not exist, and have no right to exist, for ‘perfect Love casteth out fear.’”
    God is everywhere. “There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard;” and this voice is Truth that destroys error and Love that casts out fear.
    (Retrospection and Introspection, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 61:13–20)

  10. Thank you very much indeed for your today’s great comfort, dear Evan!
    Fear is nothing in the presence of Love, for in Love, there is nothing to fear – wonderful! Yes we must be focused on Love, then fear is a Zero, a nada, a non-factor.
    Oh yes, let’s stick with Love and prosper – so so desirable. Always thanks Evan – we love you!

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