An elevated concept of body

March 5, 2015 | 15 comments

As the offspring of Spirit, you reflect a body of harmony. Are you fully aware of that truth?

Yep, it’s right in the Bible.

“There is one body and one Spirit,…There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father, who is over all and in all and living through all.” (Eph. 4:4-6, NLT)

“There is one body…” and it’s a body of harmony, for God is everlasting harmony. As children of God, we have this body in common and exist to reflect its beauty, health and peace in our own individual way.

Having a right concept of body liberates the human mind from false mortal concepts that lead to pain and suffering.

The body of Spirit you reflect is not rife with ills, troubles and shortcomings. The body of Spirit is strong and enduring, sound and upright, healthy and full of peace. The body of Spirit is trustworthy, faithful, reliable, predictable and always performing at 100% potential. The body of Spirit is not temporal, weak, miserable or suffering. It is eternal. It is Love. It is Life. It is Truth. It is Harmony!

Body is identity. It does not originate in matter or abide in physicality. It is Spirit, and it’s as perfect as it can be.

Love your body—your true body in Spirit. Get comfortable with your body—with the truth it expresses. Enjoy your body—the omnipresence of Love.

As a reflection of God, you possess harmonious being.

Mary Baker Eddy instructed how to demonstrate this ideal in terms of physical healing. She wrote,

“Mentally insist that harmony is the fact, and that sickness is a temporal dream. Realize the presence of health and the fact of harmonious being, until the body corresponds with the normal conditions of health and harmony” Science and Health, p. 412.

As we hold to the truth about our real body—our being in Christ—the correct understanding of body as harmonious being will bring the human into line with the divine. Healing happens!

You reflect a body of harmony. This is your reality.

15 thoughts on “An elevated concept of body”

  1. Evan, I am so grateful for this reminder. It seems that news and advertisements are totally saturated with images of disease, its treatment, and death. The local news station in Washington, DC has almost every third ad dealing with another doctor or hospital or “cancer center” promoting itself. I get to where I have to run to the dial and turn it off. It is pervasive. Check out how many stories in large papers that I read like the Washington Post and New York Times deal with illness, treatment, death and dying. It is inescapable now because big money is invested in big medicine. Ii would love to hear you address this more directly sometime.

  2. It is so good to hear Truth right here right now!! Reflection…wow! That makes is so simple, and I tend to make it ocmplicated! that you for the reminder that BODY is but my current concept of my true spiritual essence right now.–merri

  3. This is excellent, Evan. I awoke this morning with the certainty that harmony is the fact. Then, I read your blog which certainly cemented the idea. I appreciate your comments Elaine! I, too, would enjoy hearing more of your thoughts, Evan, on our innate ability to reject the barrage of suggestions thrown out in the news, in daily conversation with others., regarding illness, treatment, and death. It’s all about God, isn’t it, standing fast in the truth. “Be still and know that I am God.” Ps.46:10

  4. In the third section of the Bible Lesson this week, Mrs. Eddy writes about spiritual inspiration nullifying the flames, while an opposite state of thought can cause spontaneous combustion. It occurred to me that the latter so-called effect could be termed “heartburn” by the media today.
    How important to hold the perfect concept of body/identity/man in thought. Thanks, Evan.

    1. Great thought there about combustion ( instant over reaction) and heartburn ! This is a big issue that also needs addressing in the world today .unthinking reaction rather than contemplation and listening. Thanks for drawing my attention to this 🙂

  5. Thank you Evan. There is much that I can learn from you. I hadn’t actually thought much on this from this perspective. Thank you.

  6. THANKYOU again Rcan for timely and uplifting thoughts. I’ve never read that verse from Ephesians but it’s so perfect for me today having just woken up not feeling very harmonious!

  7. Thanks Evan!! I need to be reminded of this fact on a daily basis. Please keep these good thoughts coming.



  8. “GOD HAS GREAT PLANS FOR YOU.” As I reported in that blog, I was waiting for a Lawyer to write me documents so I could be eligible for Medicaid help. He came this morning for me and my son to sign all the documents needed for the above eligibility. I am on the way, thanks to deep prayer as taught in CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. Humanly this wasn’t easy to do. Spirituality, it went very smoothly.

  9. Evan, this is right in line with what I was working on this morning. Thank you for clarifying our identity so beautifully. Love the use of that Bible passage for a deeper meaning. I so appreciate your blog. It is rich with inspiration.

  10. Elaine: Get the romote out and zap all unpleasant ads during the news & programs. I remember when the ads appeared on the nightly news just after 2000. I started back then to zap them away. Then I realized that I can do this all day long without a TV. All false ideas can be zapped away. I am pretty good at it today. It has helped me to practice Christian Science better. So grateful for CS, Mrs. Eddy and this wonderful blog from Evan.

  11. What a spectacular and beautiful way to begin the day. I did the first day, and will from now on. My first day after reading this particular blog was one of the best days I’ve had in a long time. Knowing the truth, and being reminded daily, is God’s presence felt and reflected.

    Thanks, Evan, for being such a reflection of our Father-Mother God.


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