Employ preventative prayer

January 18, 2019 | 18 comments

If prayer helps us out of trouble, it certainly helps us to keep out of trouble.

Don’t wait for a problem to occur to find a reason to pray. Pray ahead of time and stay out of trouble. It’s the easier way to live.

18 thoughts on “Employ preventative prayer”

  1. Picture is fabulous!
    Idea is extremely important. It’s why our “dailies” are so crucial!

  2. Thanks so much, Evan! It’s funny, I always thought touching hands in prayer was a gesture of petition. Looking at this cute picture, I notice it’s really an interiorizing gesture, sending us inside and connecting us to present perfection. (Like our gesture for “OK” copies the Hindu mudra of meditative equipoise, and has a similar function.)

  3. Thanks, Jay! Or it could be a gesture to keep our mouth shut so we can listen to the Inner Voice. Actually in Eastern Practice, the hands are usually pressed against the Heart – to remind us to stay in the Heart Center and out of the Head!

  4. Thank you Evan.
    I sent this on to a friend who seems to be deep in trouble.
    An encouragement to pray and trust God.
    I love the sweet child praying. Let this be the innocence of each of us,
    as child of God.

  5. A Crack in the Door

    From where you look
    You see Me not,
    Yet I am everywhere.

    Imagine I AM–
    All the Spirit, Substance, Mind and Love
    That exists…
    The only infinite
    One Reality.

    Imagine I hear your prayer
    That opens a Door
    So you see and feel
    The Kingdom.

    Imagine My Kingdom
    Flowing into your dream
    Through an
    Ever-widening door…
    Replacing dream with Reality.

    Imagine no more,
    My love,
    My child…
    Imagine no more
    As you walk through
    The Door…
    For this magnificent
    Kingdom has always
    Been yours!

  6. Oh thank you Maximo for that inspiring poem, which in turn inspires me to ad some suitable words to make that heavenly Kingdom for sure forever ”… and to us will
    always be outpoured!

    Thank you Evan for today’s SpiritView.
    Such calming, joyful and peaceful image and likeness of God, divine Love! Yes we definitely need this quietness for our daily prayer!

  7. Powerful, short reminder. Thank you Evan. As JJ said, I love the sweet child praying. Let this be the innocence of each of us, as a child of God.

  8. Love that sweet, sweet picture to illustrate your great message. Thanks so much for these daily helps you send us!

  9. Much gratitude to Evan for this charming, quietly contemplative, gentle reminder–wonderful photo. And gratitude to all of you who have contributed your comments (and a lovely poem!). We’re embracing the whole world, aren’t we?

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