Enjoy the full benefits of Christmas

December 24, 2014 | 13 comments

With all the busyness that often accompanies an approaching Christmas day, it’s helpful to remember that the real meaning of Christmas lies not in material gift giving, food making and partying, but in understanding Spirit better.

Christmas as a holiday is about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

Christmas as a message is about understanding and demonstrating the spiritual origin of life that Jesus embodied and taught. And anyone can do that!

Whether you spend the day alone or with a crowd, whether you receive no material gifts or too many, you can enjoy the full benefits of Christmas by seeking out a deeper understanding of Christ and how to live true to it.

Christmas is a celebration of Spirit. It’s a recognition that man is born of God and lives to express God. It’s recognition that God is the sum and source of life and that we each are included in the same truth and love that blessed Jesus.

Christmas is not about getting things and attention from others, but about receiving life and love from God. It’s not found in sensual indulgence but in heavenly inspiration. Christmas is meant to be a spiritual experience.

So, as you make plans for Christmas day, be sure to include God. Honoring Christ is what the day is all about.


“In Christian Science, Christmas stands for the real, the absolute and eternal, — for the things of Spirit, not of matter” Mary Baker Eddy, Miscellany, p. 260.

13 thoughts on “Enjoy the full benefits of Christmas”

  1. I had already thought about making special effort today to implement these ideas for this Christmas time and your blog was a very welcomed and nice and helpful gift toward this end. Thank you very much.

  2. Thank you, Evan, for your reminder of what the True meaning of Christmas is. You’ve touched on every aspect, in so few words, of the Spirit of what Christmas is all about ~ Wonderful!
    May you and your family and all who share here and partake of the Love expressed here, have the warm, wonderful ~ every day ~ feeling of this cherished season.

  3. Evan! All I can say is that you have given me and every one else the best gift of all that over rides all holiday giving. And that’s SPIRIT VIEW where we can really express our relationship with GOD.

  4. You have given so many gifts on a daily basis, Evan. Thank you for your efforts to establish, strengthen and support my/our understanding and practice. I offer gratitude to you and yours.
    God bless you and keep you, and all.

  5. “Joy to the world, the Lord is come,

    Let earth receive her King;

    Let every heart prepare him room,

    And heaven and nature sing.

    No more let sin and sorrow grow,

    Nor thorns infest the ground;

    Where’er he comes, his blessings flow,

    And hope and joy abound.

    He rules the world with truth and grace,

    And makes the nations prove

    The glories of his righteousness

    And wonders of his love.

    Hymn 164 ~ The Christian Science Hymnal

  6. Thanks, Tobias. You said it for me too.
    Thanks to spiritview fan for filling in more verse than just the 1st. Reading the words allows one time to ponder the deeper meanings. And again to Evan for his valuable insights.
    Finally to you all for such helpful additions.

  7. Evan – thank you – LIGHT – thank you!

    Presents, His Presence
    His Presence ~ infinite Light
    Always His Presence

    Haiku for Christmas!!!

  8. Today I will get out my little red copy of “What Christmas Means to Me” and review my Leader’s wisdom on this mostly misunderstood occasion. I do this every year. I rejoice to realize the annual progress this has brought me in identifying myself correctly as the man(ifestation) of perfect Mind. What a gift!

  9. Beautiful summing up of the true meaning and way to celebrate Christmas. Thank you Evan! and a very Merry Christmas to you and all the commenters. (=

  10. Thank you Evan for this reminder and for all your daily blogs. I had planned to go to the Wednesday meeting, but it has been raining so much this evening was thinking no way, its far and dark and raining. ( plus, to be honest I had things to finish)
    Then I just now got to your blog – how timely,, how true..Thank you.
    I thought of the Reader who will be there no matter what and how nice it would be for him to look out and see everyone – Yes this is what
    its all about – Christ first.. So guess where I am heading. AND …it has stopped raining.

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